Showing posts with label Dawn Rae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dawn Rae. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2025

Book Review: Edge of Collapse: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller by Kyla Stone

The Edge of Collapse series is a binge-worthy, 7 book set in the post-apocalyptic genre. After the attack on the US, knocking out the power grid, communications, planes, vehicles, and most everything that is modernized, the big picture focus for everyone is to shake off the confusion and try to survive. Edge of Collapse Book One narrows in on a much more personal level. This national crisis presents Hannah a slim opportunity to escape her captor years after her abduction. Hannah's broken, pregnant body is no match for the sociopathic predator but her need to return to her son is strong. This moment is her only chance to return home.

Photo of the book cover and text

Hannah is a devoted mother to a beautiful 3 year old son and was living a good life in a small Southwest Michigan town. She loved her husband, Noah, but they had been having some minor bumpy spots in their marriage. Then Hannah suddenly disappears.  Of course, everyone had their theories. Maybe her husband murdered her. Maybe she just ran away. Perhaps she was dead. People who knew her well knew that she would have never left her child. Regardless, the years passed without her return.

Now. Maimed and nearing the end of her pregnancy, the locked door of her basement prison unlatches. Hannah has tried to mark the days, months, and years in chalk marks on the wall but she is not sure of what month it is. She is sure that it is winter and brutally cold outside. Trying to push past her physical difficulties, paranoia, and panic attacks she intends to leave. Doing so means entering the forested area during a snowstorm with no idea where she is and how to get back home.

Edge of Collapse series Book One by Kyla Stone on Amazon

Gavin Pike is a hunter. A hunter of humans. Shortly after he put her in the basement, and during the time she was still trying to actively defend herself, he brought a photo to her on his next visit. A photo of her son and her husband in his Fall Creek patrolman uniform, standing in front of their home. This monster knew where her family lived. And knew her husband enough to obtain a current photo. With that unspoken threat, Gavin Pike had effectively ended her desire to physically fight back. A county correctional officer, Gavin wore a uniform and carried a badge that he often used to obtain things, power, and women. 

Liam is a sullen, loner Veteran who lives in an isolated cabin in the forests of Michigan. He had been visiting his twin brother and pregnant sister-in-law when the attack occurred.  With cars crashing and planes falling from the sky, Lincoln and Jessa die. Liam's sole focus is to return to his cabin as soon as possible.  During his trek toward home, in a remote wooded area, he encounters a pregnant women who hysterically screams at him to stay away from her. Liam is initially relieved to obey her and continue on his journey alone.  

But Liam is a good guy despite his stoney exterior. And he returns to retrieve her. Which places him directly in a predators sights. A predator who views killing others as a game which he always wins.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention the dog. The monster, Gavin Pike, keeps a large guard dog chained up at the cabin. Presumably to keep Hannah from being discovered in the rare event someone would come to the remote cabin. Terrified of being bitten, but empathetic, Hannah releases the huge Great Pyrenees from it's own prison. And, as guardian dogs do, this dog decides to actively protects his family. 

Author Kyla Stone paints a vivid picture of the conditions and the risk. The chapters are written in the voice of each individual character, telling their own version of the events. She does this beautifully.  Other reviewers use phrases such as "unputdownable", "intense", and "nonstop action". These phrases are often over-used in book reviews but in this case, the praise fits.  I have difficulties feeling as though I adequately describe the really good writing of others. If you are at all curious, I hope you will consider reading the reviews others have written about Edge of Collapse: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller, Book One. If this isn't your usual genre, don't be put off. This story was more Silence of the Lambs with Buffalo Bill than a doomsday prepper's guide to beans, band-aids, and bullets. 

One final thought, fans of the Reacher series on Amazon and of the author will enjoy these characters; flawed good guys fighting against bad guys. If you aren't familiar with Reacher, you might want to take a peek at my Reviewing Reacher The Book and the Amazon Series  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, February 17, 2025

Reviewing Bernat Baby Sport Weight Yarn

I am using Bernat Baby Sport yarn for the first time to crochet a small baby blanket. I have fallen in love with Bernat baby yarn. In the past, I had always associated Bernat with chunky and super bulky yarns. So I am very surprised at how much I like this baby yarn.

Bernat Baby Sport Weight Yarn

This Bernat Baby Sport yarn is a multi-color yarn. I am using the "Tiny Tulips" color (pinks, whites, and a small bit of green). I guess that it would be called a variegated yarn. The pops of color are small sections and are all separated by white. The color changes are subtle and do not leave one color ending mid-row with the next color beginning. 


  • Light Weight, 3 weight
  • 100% Acrylic
  • 8.5 oz/240 g
  • 718 yds/656 m
  • Recommended US 6/4 mm knitting needles
  • Recommended US G/6/4mm crochet hook

Personal Thoughts about Bernat Baby Sport Yarn

I knew I wanted to crochet a small gift for a friend's new grandbaby girl. But I hadn't bought the yarn yet. I knew what pattern I wanted to use (a mitered corner granny square), that I wanted to make a small baby afghan (car seat or strollers cover size), and I wanted subtle pink. Caron Simply Soft is one of my very favorite yarns because, in my opinion, it is a very light 4 weight. It is very soft and comes in a large variety of colors. But I had been working with pink Simply Soft on a large project and wanted a change.

While wandering through a local Wal-Mart for my monthly shopping I went through the yarn aisle, as I always do, just being nosey. And I saw this Bernat Baby sport in this very light pink. I scooped up 3 skeins (only needing one skein for my small project) and here I am now, telling you about this fantastic yarn.

Working with the Bernat baby Sport yarn has been a pleasure. This yarn does not split while working with it. The colors are subtle and sweet. An additional bonus was there was NO YARN BARF!  The starting tails on each of the 3 skeins were easily found, barely hidden inside of the skein. 

sport weight yarn
Left: I pulled the tail out a bit
Right: there the tail is... barely tucked inside and so easy to find!

I've taken photos of my granny square stitch pattern to show how the colorway works in the granny square clusters.

crochet example
Bernat Tiny Tulips colorway in granny clusters

I had chosen the granny square pattern so that the blanket would be more breathable. But my next projects using this yarn will be in single stitch or half-double because I am loving how the color falls with those two stitches. 

crochet example
Color swatch: half double crochet on top
single crochet on bottom

I think this yarn will make wonderful infant and children's hats. I'm looking forward to beginning those projects.

Additional Information:

I am having difficulty finding this exact skein of yarn (8.5 oz skein size and Tiny Tulips color) while shopping online but I am very please to find other colorways available; solids, ombres, and variegated on Amazon and the Yarnspirations website.

Yarnspirations offers Bernat Sport Weight yarns.

Amazon offers Bernat Sport Weight yarns as well as many other brands of yarns.

Side Note: The three "local" Wal-Mart stores have the most pitifully small yarn section which seems strange since I buy a lot of yarn by impulse, and in several skeins at a time. I am very aware that I am not the only yarn lover who is puzzled by the small selection of yarn they carry. If anyone in the Wal-Mart administration happens to be reading this... I (we) wish you would carry a larger section of yarn.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, February 3, 2025

Update - Indoor Hydroponics Garden Review - One Month Later

I have only just learned how rewarding indoor gardening can be with an indoor hydroponics growing system. While a frigid, windy winter swirls outside, I am am having home grown lettuces and kale for dinner. Indoor Hydroponics gardening systems are a great way to grow herbs or vegetables indoors, no matter the season, and my only regret with this purchase is that I didn't try this sooner. 

photo and text of lettuce in an indoor growing systen

In the beginning of January I started my first indoor hydroponics garden. I started my 12 pod Mufga system with lettuce mixes and kale. The only pod that didn't grow was the pod with two, "expired" bunch onion seeds that I hadn't really expected to germinate anyway. 

I was very surprised at how quickly the seeds germinated and how quickly they grew. The Mufga system adjustable grow light are perfect. I have been able to move the light panel so that remains just above the plants as they grow.

Very quickly, I had enough lettuce to harvest. With a pair of scissors, I carefully cut the largest leaves when harvesting. That leaves that remain on the plant continue to grow. 

photo of harvested lettuce

During my first harvest, I attempted to pinch off the leaves with my fingers and that tended to wiggle the grow pods around. I was worried that I'd move that pod out of the range of the watering system that I switched to scissors. For me, cutting works much better than pinching.

Soft Taco with Home-Grown Lettuce

In a very short period of time, I had grown lettuce leaves that were large enough to add to toppings on a hamburger. I didn't have ground beef at home, but I did have all of the ingredients for a delicious soft taco. Including, an impulse purchase of Mango Peach salsa! The soft tacos with my home-grown lettuce were delicious.

Small Salad with Salmon, Olives, Eggs, and Olive Oil

I have been craving smoked fish so I have tried various brands of tinned salmon and smoked salmon from the store for snacks. I have found that I like King Oscar Premium Salmon.      

The Mediterranean style of tinned salmon inspired me to try it on a bed of lettuce with eggs, olives, and olive oil. This lunch salad was a delicious change of pace from my very routine meal choices. This brand of salmon also comes lemon, if you don't care for the Mediterranean style.

photo of salad with salmon

Extra Large Chef Salad; Eggs, Bacon, Cheese, Sunflower Seeds, and Dressing

Chef salads are my favorite. And it wasn't long until I had enough salad mix for a very large bowl of lettuce. I harvest lettuce in my livingroom and added the other ingredients in a matter of minutes. 

photo of chef salad

With very little effort, just adding water so the level doesn't become too low and adding plant food weekly so the plants have the proper nutrients, I have fresh greens through this frigid winter. I am planning on buy a second system for a supply of fresh herbs.

For more information:

My first review of my new Mufga Indoor Hydroponics Garden system in early January - here

This follow-up video includes a photo of the taco with my home-grown lettuce. Feel free to skip ahead in the video to 2:41 as the beginning of the video is a rambling thank you to Mike's Chaotic Gardening (YouTube) for helping me choose my grow system. The photo of the taco is near the end of this short video.

Many styles and sizes of indoor hydroponic growing systems can be found on Amazon.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 20, 2025

Book Review: In Search of the Old Ones (A Brief History of the Anasazi)

In Search of the Old Ones (A Brief History of the Anasazi) written by David Roberts is part personal outdoor travel memoir, part history lesson, and part examination of the controversies surrounding archeology methods over the decades. The author's descriptions of the areas he hiked made me feel as though I were along on the adventure in the beautiful, warm Southwest rather than snuggled up inside on the sofa during a Mid-Atlantic snow storm in January. I have always wanted to return to the Southwest but with the new appreciation and understanding I've gained from the book, I am seriously considering how to make the trip happen.

photo of Mesa Verde cliff dwelling

The Book and the Author

David Roberts is a climber, mountaineer, author, and was a professor of literature in the 1970s. While reading In Search of the Old Ones (A Brief History of the Anasazi) I would have thought his degree was in archeology rather than mathematics and english. It must be his love for adventure and the outdoors that shines from the pages of this story. 

The Anasazi, Roberts explains why he chooses to use the name Anasazi as opposed to some that others use, were an ancient people who somehow disappeared from the US Southwest in the 1200s. They left behind stone homes, bits of pottery (at times a whole piece can be found, but that is increasingly rare), pictographs, spear/arrow heads and piles of shavings left from the process of chipping those from stone. 

Roberts hiked (both alone and with others) the areas where the Anasazi ruins can be found. These areas included Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, Grand Gulch, Whiskers Draw, Moqui Canyon, and more. Many of the places are off the beaten path and can be difficult to find. People like me will never see these sites. Other sites are tourist attractions and open to the public. And as a result, are impacted by wear, tear, graffiti, theft, trash, and other issues that are not conducive to preserving ancient history. Other sites have been completely erased due to modernization.

Roberts describes those who have had a passion for finding these dwellings. Richard Wetherill, Quakers and Rancher, was not the first Anglo to find cliff dwellings but it became his lifelong hunt (until he was forced to stop).  A Ute Chief, Acowitz, told Richard Wetherill of the sacred place, a house in the cliffs bigger than all of the others. But the Utes never go there. Acowitz warned of disturbing the spirits of the dead. The Wetherills found this place, and many other sights.

Through this book, we read descriptions of those who believe that all of these items (pottery, bodies found at burial sites, and etc) should be kept in museums. We read other's descriptions of how many of these artifacts are lost, or stored out of sight in these museums. These conflicting ideas of how these ancient items should be preserved and displayed was very throught-provoking. Was Richard Wetherill a thief? Or was his beginning exploration and attempts at preservation a good thing? Perhaps we will never be able to decide.

Just as the various opinions about the disappearance of the Anasazi are at odds, did they leave due to drought and food source issues, were they killed by others, or did they kill themselves, I suppose we may never be able to decide. 

Personal Thoughts

In retrospect, what I thought I knew about the Anasazi and their dwellings was it size of a bit of dust. I had been aware that there had been a group of people known as the Anasazi. I learned this on one of my drives out west. This group of people left behind stone buildings built into cliffs. During one of my drives out west, I stopped at the Aztec Ruins and then at Mesa Verde. I marveled at how a group of ancient people built these stone dwellings around a thousand years ago. The stone dwelling high in the side of a cliff at Mesa Verde was unimaginable and yet there it was. I walked through it.  But I hadn't wondered much beyond that about how these people lived.

I have always wanted to return and to take a more leisurely look around. Now that I have read this book by David Roberts, I have more understanding the difficult of learning why the Anasazi were suddenly no more. I understand why there are debates about how to store and display these artifacts and I especially understand how special it was to see the two sites I did see -- while they still remain and are open to the public.

I highly recommend this book for hikers and adventurers as well as folks who are strictly interested in the historical aspects of the Anasazi. 

For more information:

Author David Roberts

Travel - Mesa Verde

Travel - Aztec Ruins

Photo Attribution: licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 6, 2025

Starting Lettuce in an Indoor Hydroponics Garden in the Height of Winter

I follow several homesteaders and gardeners who use small indoor hydroponic gardens to grow fresh food in very small spaces, during inclement weather, and in rental homes where they are unable to have a garden. I have tried container gardening (both here on the homestead and on my previous apartment balcony) but I hadn't tried indoor hydroponics - until now. This is the review of my experiment up until now.

Photo with text recommending indoor hydroponic gardening

What Are Indoor Hydroponic Garden Systems

I have seen examples of extremely large hydroponic growing systems. One system was in a large building in an urban setting. The operation was large and provided a significant amount of fresh vegetables. I am not currently able to remember the name of that group. But their story was pretty amazing. I have seen other hydroponic growing systems that include large tanks of fish, with plants growing just above the surface of the water. The plants and fish work together to create a preferred growing environment.  The idea of the Indoor Hydroponic Garden system is similar, but on a small personal scale. 

Some folks are able to use containers that include small fish and grow a plant just above the surface of the water. I needed easier than that. So I chose the mass-produced growing systems.

Initially, I chose a very small, 6 pod, AeroGarden brand. Then on the advice of two friends, I chose a 12 pod Mufga brand system. I have set up the 12 pod MUFGA and gave the 6 pod AeroGarden as a gift. 

Indoor Hydroponic  Gardens provide the light (LED lights in the colors that plants need) and water to the plants automatically. The "pods" are holes in the top of the water container that hold baskets of some sort of growing material (not soil). You simply place the seeds in the top of the growing material, place the growing material into the basket, place the basket into the hole in the container, and push a button. The growing light is currently just above the pods but it is on a telescoping arm that will move up as the plants grow taller.

I set my system up on December 30, 2024, Now, a mere 7 days later, I have lettuces that have germinated and are looking great.  The system only takes up a portion of one of the shelves that is where I normally start my seeds in the spring. Speaking of which, many folks use the indoor hydroponic gardens to start their seeds for outdoor gardens; saving the time and money that it takes to purchase seeds from a nursery. The quick and easy germination of my lettuce has convinced me that starting summer outdoor garden plants will be the way to go. 

Even though, there is a severe snow and ice storm moving into the area, in the first week of January 2025, I have lettuce plants started with the hope of making my own salads soon.


I ordered my indoor hydroponics garden system from Amazon. My friends advised me that AeroGarden is more expensive and that the many other brands, nowadays, do just as well at a much lower price tag. I can't advise which brand is best. I can say that the set up of my MUFGA was easy and the items seem well-made for what it is. The MUFGA isn't currently available but there are many similar units. 

It does sound as though the units available in this market are frequently changing. It might be a good idea to watch or read recent reviews of the brands currently available. 

A Peek at my Personal Video:

I took this video for friends and family that shows the different components of this hydroponic garden and may be interesting to you. In this video, I do a sort of show-and-tell. If you are truly interested in growing food indoors, I encourage you to watch the videos of experienced folks who have been growing their own food in these systems for some time for the how-to information.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, December 30, 2024

Reviewing My New Top Fin 10 Gallon All-in-One Aquarium Starter Kit

My Top Fin All-In-One Aquarium Starter Kit was quick and easy for me to set up. I am enjoying the beauty and relaxation fish bring to my home again. If you would like to have fish, in a tank larger than a fish bowl but small enough to be easy for one person to set up and care for, this aquarium may be a great choice for you. This is a perfect size tank for offices, small homes, classrooms, and children's first fish tanks.

photo of a nano Top Fin aquarium

Top Fin 10 gallon All-in-One Aquarium Starter Kit

The Top Fin brand is easy to find in some big, chain pet stores. Because of that quantity, I assume, I stumbled upon a sale that brought this $80+ tank down to $53. So I snagged it, even though I had been looking for a couple of other brands.

I was concerned that I was purchasing a low-quality item just because of the tempting price tag and that I'd regret the purchase. But after I put it together and started it with a few fish I decided that this is a great starter tank.

Included Items:

  • 10 gal glass aquarium, column shape
  • Small footprint: 12.5" L x 12.5" W x 19.5" H
  • Hood with feeding door
  • bright white LED light in the hood
  • thermometer
  • 50w heater
  • water test vial
  • Top Fin PF10 Power Filter with cartridge replacement and a PF-S Silentstream Filter Cartridge 
  • 4" Nylon Net

photo of a nano Top Fin aquarium

This aquarium was small enough and light enough for me to place where I wanted it.  I filled with with substrate, rocks, and plants (purchased separately). With the small size of the tank, I was able to fill it with water fairly quickly. And I was able to reach in and move the rocks and plants as I wanted. In the past, larger tanks made it difficult to reach the bottom and larger tanks take a longer time to fill or empty.

I was relieved that everything worked well. And very pleased that the water filter was extremely quiet! When I had aquariums many years ago, the water pumps were noticeably loud. This one is not. 

My Personal Thoughts and Fish Tank Needs

After visiting my son and grandchildren, I knew that I wanted to resume keeping tropical fish. I hadn't had an aquarium for a couple of decades. Unlike my family, who were doing really well with keeping gorgeous salt water tanks, I knew I'd start with fresh water. I wanted larger than a gold fish bowl. But I live in a small home and knew I didn't want a large aquarium on a stand.   I fell in love with my son's 15 gallon Cube shaped aquarium and started my search for a 10 to 15 gallon desktop tank.

My desire is to have a community tank; a variety of nano fish and creatures that can live in the same tank. I do not want just one betta or goldfish in a bowl. My preference is to have a somewhat naturalized underwater scene. Yes, I know that Neon Tetras (the first fish I purchased with this adventure) aren't the most natural looking. But they are a schooling fish and remind me of schools of minnows in fresh water lakes. 

Nano Fish - fish that grow less than 2" long and are suitable for aquariums as small as 10 gallons.

This Top Fin 10 gallon column, desk-top tank has been a great purchase. It was easy on the budget and better quality than I had expected. I highly recommend it for beginning fish-keepers, current tropical fish enthusiasts who might need extra space for baby fish, or a gift for someone. This is a great size of tank for children to have their first pets.

If you are not able to find the Top Fin brand in your area, there are many other small cube and nano aquariums available on Amazon. 

In my local area, I found the Top Fin brand at Petsmart.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, December 16, 2024

Reviewing Fast, Easy, and Beautiful Crochet Hats with Premier Puzzle Yarn

I have always thought Premier Puzzle Yarn was a beautiful yarn and I have used it occasionally to crochet throws. Premier Puzzle is a 5 weight yarn. I typically prefer 4 weight yarns for crocheted hats. But I recently gave this chunkier yarn a try with a Bag-O-Day crochet hat pattern and I couldn't be more thrilled. If you are looking to make an easy crocheted hat, in a beautiful colorway, this pattern and yarn combination might be exactly what you are looking for.

text and photos of yarn and crocheted hats

Premier Puzzle Yarn

Premier Puzzle yarn is advertised on the Premier Website as: "soft, washable, bulky weight acrylic in spectacular colors...  Each ball is made with 4 coordinating colors that combine in ever-changing, softly blended stripes".

  • It comes in 35 colors (at this time)
  • 100% Acrylic
  • 200g/7 oz - 300m/328yds
  • #5 bulky weight
  • machine washable (cold-permanent press, tumble dry with low heat)

While looking up the specifications for the familiar Premier Puzzle gradient yarns, I only just learned that they also now make Puzzle "Solids" and Puzzle "Shimmers". Such exciting news !!! 

Bag-O-Day Crochet Pattern

Bag-O-Day is one of my favorite crochet tutorial YouTube channels. She goes slowly, is easy to follow, and she is always reassuring. During the tutorials, she often gives tips about making things larger or smaller, which I find to be very helpful. Even if she says something such as "to make this hat smaller, leave off this last increase row and continue with 50 stitches instead of 60".  Okay, that quote was loosely paraphrased. But it is similar to many of the tips she gives.

I chose this particular hat pattern, Easy Crochet - Bag O Day Crochet Tutorial #686, because I had found my Premier Puzzle chunky yarn and needed a pattern made for chunky yarn. Once I started the pattern, I realized that the pattern and yarn were perfect for each other.

This Easy Crochet #686 pattern is a continuous round pattern. Meaning, each row does NOT have the slip stitch join on each row - which often leaves a visible seam. In this pattern, you continue crocheting around until you have the length you want.

This pattern is also a half-double crochet stitch (HDC). I love using HDC because it builds the piece more quickly than rows of single crochet (SC) and is more tightly woven (small gaps for cold air to move through) than double crochet (DC). I understand, if you don't crochet, this all sounds like gibberish. But hopefully, it will make sense to those who do crochet.

And, for those who are beginning crochet, I think this is a very easy hat pattern for beginners to create. 

Personal Thoughts

Personally, I think a lot of chunky yarns produce hats that just look too bulky. This is only my opinion of course. And I'm not really a person who wears hats to begin with; unless the brutal cold forces me too. Recently, I've been attempting to make a pile of hats in children's and adult sizes, to offer to the children at work.  But I am a slow crocheter. And I didn't have anywhere near the 45 hats that I wanted. So I thought I'd try a chunky yarn (5 weight) pattern - which would take less time to complete. I just happened to have 2 different colors of Premier Puzzle in storage.  I dug those out of storage. I ended up whipping up one hat in just a couple of hours for me (blazingly fast for my normal speed). And the blue and red stripes that occurred were perfect! Because of the gradient, I should be able to make several hats from one skein and each hat should be striped differently.

Easy Adjustments

The first two hats I made are for large adult heads. Or people, like me, who have large heads and thick hair. By the way, did you know that most teenagers and older children have adult-sized heads when it comes to hats? So many of the hats I'm creating are considered adult-sized. To make some of these Premier Puzzle yarn hats for the smaller children, I'm simply leaving off the last row of increases. That will make a hat that fits a little tighter and should fit most of our younger students.

Thinking Ahead for Next Year

When I found my Premier Puzzle yarn in storage totes (untouched following my last move), I also found two skeins of "velvet" yarn.  I found a green Premier Parfait yarn and a silver Bernat Crushed Velvet yarn.  I made a hat using those two yarns with this Bag-O-Day pattern. I created the most luxurious hat.  The resulting size is too larger. I'll have to remember to downsize it. BUT, using greens, reds, and whites will make PERFECT holiday hats for the kids next year! 

Where I Find My Yarns

I often buy my yarns from JoAnn, Amazon.  Also, for in-person touch tests and color selections, I always am able to find 2 to 3 colors of Premier Puzzle at my local WalMart. 

The Premier Yarns Shop on Amazon 

Easy Crochet - Bag O Day Crochet Tutorial #686

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, November 18, 2024

Reviewing the ChickCozy Automatic Chicken Coop Door - A Year Later

Have you ever used something you bought with hesitation then found yourself a long while later being pleasantly surprised at how much you depend on the item?  Surprised at how long it has lasted? I feel like that about my ChickCozy battery operated automatic chicken coop door. Both my chickens and I are happier for it. This automatic door has been durable and has made chicken-chores so much easier.

photo with text and the ChickCozy coop door

The ChickCozy information provided online:

  • safest automatic door - with a touching safety sensor that stops closing when it senses a barrier 
  • operates with a programmer timer or light sensor
  • powered by battery or corded outlet
  • low battery alert when powered by batteries
  • super easy set-up
  • auto door settings, current mode, battery level are visible on the screen

I moved to my small home on 4 acres about 3 years ago. I had always wanted a small flock of chickens. So I built my own coop and small chicken run and brought home my first chicks about 2 years ago. As I became better at taking care of chickens, I purchased and installed the ChickCozy automatic coop door. 

Even being a brand new chicken owner, I've only lost two chickens in 2 years. One suddenly became ill and passed away. One disappeared; likely snatched by a predator. I try to give my flock a combination of security (coop and fenced run) and freedom with free-ranging when I'm home. It didn't take long to notice that they love to free-range. And it didn't take long the they like to get moving at sunrise and "go to bed" in the coop at dusk. That their internal clocks are set by the movement of the sun became a problem with my schedule.

I go to bed super early and get up for work super early. Through the year, I may be going to bed 2 hours before sunset in the summer. Or I may have already left and arrived at work before the soft glimmer of sunrise in the winter mornings.  For this reason alone, the automatic chicken door has been amazing. I only have to call the chicken from free-ranging and into the coop at my bedtime and their door closes after their bedtime. Happy me and happy chickens.

The ChickCozy Automatic Door

The opening for this door may be different than your existing chicken coop door. I was able to build a retro-fit frame suitable for the ChickCozy. 

Installation is super easy. If there is an appropriately sized, flat opening, the door attaches easily.

I chose the battery-operated version. I just checked tonight - a year later - and the battery reads at 30%. 

Minor Complaints:

My complaints about the door are very minor. If it is muddy, the chicken drag the mud across the bottom of the ChickCozy door. The safety feature that keeps the door from closing on the chickens also responds to muddy, dried debris in the threshold and doesn't close. I just keep something handy to scrape that area if needed.

The keypad that is used to set time isn't intuitive for me. Because I rarely make changes, it is still confusing. But it only takes a few minutes of clicking around to find the screen I want. That's just a small annoyance. 


The neighbor woman said she no longer keeps chickens because of some small vermin that killed her flocks repeatedly. This door helps to keep that type of small nocturnal predator away from my chickens. 

After work, I go to the coop 2 times: to let the chickens out of the fenced run to free-range, then at my bedtime to feed them and to put them back into their run. During most of the year, without the automatic door, I would be out there a 3rd time; to close their coop door at dusk.

My chickens are able to spend an extended period of time in their fenced coop while I'm sleeping or at work. Also, I can go away for a day, two, or three and now the chickens will be safe behind that closed door at night.


I fully expected to have to replace batteries frequently. And I did not expect the door to last for a full year. While my chicken run fence has a hooped top with a tarp covering, the door is not fully protected from rain and ice. 

The ChickCozy automatic door has been a wonderful investment.

Check the price on Amazon - ChickCozy Automatic Chicken Coop Door

A short video of the original unboxing and a few current comments.

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Monday, November 4, 2024

Travel: Cunningham Falls State Park, Maryland

Cunningham Falls State Park located in Maryland is a wonderful place to visit during all times of the year, but especially during the peak colors of fall. On a recent adventure I passed through the Catoctin Mountains and was reminded of how wonderful this area is to visit. Cunningham Falls is an especially interesting area for any outdoor enthusiast. 

text and photo of Cunningham Falls State Park
By Jarek Tuszyński - Own work, CC BY 4.0, Commons Wikimedia

While driving through the park at sunrise, I saw scattered groups of hikers crossing the road or leaving the parking areas for the trailheads.  I thought it would be a shame if this area isn't known to others who might enjoy that natural setting. That's why I decided to give a very brief overview and spread the word.

Cunningham Falls State Park

Are you looking for a way to unwind, relax, and unplug? This area might the perfect spot. The website confirms this by stating that cell communication may be spotty or non-existent as many carriers do not provide service in this area. 

This Maryland state park is over 6,000 acres that includes a 43 acre man-made lake and the largest cascading water fall in Maryland. 

The park is divided into two sections. 

The William Houck area of the state park is located three miles west of Thurmont, Maryland on winding, tree-lined route 77. Camping, the falls, and the lake are located in this area. I have spent the most time in this section of the park. I have enjoyed hiking near the 78-foot waterfall on several occasions. I was always glad to spend time in the serene setting; surrounded by rocks, boulders, and flowing water in the wooded area. 

The Manor area is located three miles south of Thurmont, off Route 15.  The Scales, Tales Aviary, camping and the historic Catoctin Iron Furnace.

I am not as interested in history as I am in hiking and crossing creeks on foot, using rocks as stepping stones. But I found the Catoctin Iron Furnace a very interesting site to visit. It is hard for me to imagine this furnace being built of stone in the 1770's and began operating in 1776 to manufacture iron for household and industrial goods. 

Over the years, I've known people who use the camping areas in Cunningham Falls as their preferred, local getaway. I personally have not camped there so I am not familiar with the amenities. But I am aware that it is a recommended spot to spent a weekend or vacation. 

Whether you are looking for a place to stayover, for a day hike, or for a more meaningful historic experience, Cunningham Falls State Park may be the spot for you.

Cunningham Falls State Park website

Nearby sites and attractions:

Catoctin Furnace Historical Society information

Driving tour information for the three covered bridges in the area: Loy's Station Covered Bridge, Roddy Road Covered Bridge and Utica Covered Bridge.

I have enjoyed the annual Catoctin Color Fest in Thurmont, Maryland. It is held in October and features a large collection of art, jewelry, crafts and food vendors. It is a super enjoyable festival in a small town setting during a beautiful time of year. 

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Monday, October 21, 2024

Introducing Shepherd's Wool Yarn by Stonehedge Fiber Mill

My first experience with hanks of Shepherd's Wool is that this yarn is extremely soft, beautifully colored, and easy to work up. I am thrilled about my choice of yarn color and the mill that spun it. I could not have made a better choice of my first handspun wools for my first crochet cardigan project. 

photo of gray wool yarn

I recently went to my first Fiber Festival and purchased handspun yarns with the plan to crochet a sweater for myself. Previously, I hadn't had the confidence to attempt crocheting a sweater. Especially, with more expensive handspun fiber yarns. I've decided to jump right in. I researched an easy cardigan crochet pattern and the various vendors that were going to be at the Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival. I had chosen the yarns from two vendors and only  had to choose the yarn colors and weights while at the festival. 

I had recently reviewed the Companion Fiber yarn that I purchased during that adventure. Today, I will tell you about the Shepherd's Wool from Stonehedge Fiber Mill, Michigan. 

I had gone to the festival with a plan of purchasing yarn from two specific shops. I first bought the hand dyed yarns at Companion Fiber then made my way to the Stonehedge Fiber Mill booth to choose the neutral colors that will make up the majority of my cardigan.

The Yarn: Shepherd's Wool

This yarn is so luxurious that I find myself touching the skein just to give it an extra squeeze. 

  • Sport weight (2 weight)
  • 2.5 ozs - 230 yards 
  • Worsted Spun Fine Wool ("merino top")
  • Hand Wash - do not agitate
  • colors - granite and black

The website speaks more about "merino top" and that the way this yarn has been spun creates a yarn that is smooth, almost shiny in appearance, and creates wonderful stitch definition in your projects. I do not yet understand the different levels of yarn and what type of spinning creates what quality of yarn, but I have experiences that this yarn has a gorgeous look and does great a wonderful stitch definition. The way the yarn is spun, it looks like two different colored strands to me, it gives a depth of color in my project that I don't get with many other yarns. 

I purchased the neutral colors of yarn (black and grey) from Stonehedge Fiber Mill

The Mill: Stonehedge Fiber Mill, Michigan USA

This family owned and operated mill provides services such as carding, fiber spinning, and fiber evaluation (Please check their site for updates on the availability of these services. The site currently states that they are not accepting new items for services due to their backlog.)

They also offer handmade yarns, batting, and roving from their own flock. 

about stonehedge

The Stonehedge Fiber Mill booth was filled with their yarns in various weights, a gorgeous colorful skein that is called Stonehedge Crazy yarn, T-shirts, and the most gorgeous handmade stuffed sheep, alpaca, and other animals. Deb had made the wonderful stuffed animals. Even though she had many customers, she took the time to help me make decisions about the best color and weight of yarn to work with the yarn I had purchased at Companion Fiber. 

The Stonehedge Fiber Mill is located in the northern portion of lower Michigan (on the Traverse City and Petosky side of the state). If you are not local to that area, and are not able to visit the mill shop in person, they do online orders. 


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Monday, October 7, 2024

Reviewing Beginner Rock Tumbling Supplies

I have always loved interesting stones and fossils. I always thought polished rocks are gorgeous. But I have never tried polishing (or tumbling) rocks at home, until now. My first batch of tumbled rocks have gone through the cycles and while they aren't as shiny and smooth as the polished rocks found at souvenir shops, they are very pretty. And it was a fun adventure. Had I known that it was this easy, I would have begun long ago.

Picture with text and polished rocks

I had recently begun fossil and rock hunting again because my grandson was sending me photos of interesting rocks. Geodes were my favorite to find as a child in the Midwest. But it doesn't seem that geodes occur naturally where I live now in West Virginia. In my research about local rocks, I was seeing gorgeous photos of polished rocks that people in the rock hounding groups were sharing. I decided to purchase a rock tumbler.

Coincidentally, I learned that a child at work also has a great interest in rocks. I told him that we could learn how to polish rocks together. He is delighted with finding rocks, giving them to me, then having them returned clean and shiny. 

I've done this first two batches of polished rocks with a tumbler and with a set of polishing grit. Of course, there are many more products that could be purchased. But I had fun results with just this small amount of items. We are learning that some rocks polish and some do not. Some stay approximately the same size and become shiny and others quickly wear away to nothing or crumble apart. Beginning to identify rocks is becoming a part of this process.

Rock Tumbler

I chose the Central Machine rock tumbler from Harbor Freight Tools. I knew NOTHING about rock tumblers when I went shopping that day. But it turns out that I'm very pleased with my purchase. 

Central Machine tumbler from Harbor Freight:

  • dual drum, 6 lb capacity
  • low speed and quiet
  • barrels are rubberized to reduce noise
  • fan-cooled, V-belt driven
  • can be used with all types of polish media (ceramic, glass, resins, and nut shells)

You can find rock tumblers on Amazon. There are unknown brands and brands from companies such as National Geographic rock tumblers and kits for children. There are also rock polishers that work by using vibration. I would recommend the National Geographic tumbler and kit for kids, even thought it is a smaller, single tumbler because it comes with everything needed to try tumbling once; including some rough stones. Great for a one-time adventure in a classroom or with a person who isn't sure they are very interested in tumbling rocks. You can find that National Geographic kit here. 

One of the reasons that I'm happy about my Central Machine purchase is the dual drums. Tumbling rocks takes a long time; weeks or more. With dual drums I am able to run two sets of rocks at different stages of polishing at the same time. 

rock tumbler
If you do not have a Harbor Freight store near you, there are many rock tumblers available on Amazon.

Polishing Grit

I chose the grit set because I saw the labels on one of the rock polishing channels that was most helpful to me on youtube. 

Polly Plastics rock tumbling kit was the brand she was using so it was the brand I ordered from Amazon. The kit came with 5 separate containers. They included:

  • Step 1 Coarse grit
  • Step 2 Medium grit
  • Step 3 Pre-polish fine grit
  • Step 4 Final Polish (Aluminum Oxide)
  • container of 1 1/2 lbs of Ceramic Media (used to cushion and protect the rocks during tumbling at different stages).

While I had watched a variety of tutorials on rock tumbling, and everyone seems to have slightly different preferences, the Polly Plastics kit also comes with step-by-step instructions for their set. 

If you have ever wondered about tumbling rocks I hope you give it a try. I wish I would have started my rock tumbling adventures years ago. 

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Monday, September 30, 2024

Introducing Companion Fiber Yarn Company

There is a young lady in West Virginia who hand dyes natural fiber yarns in colors that celebrate the natural beauty of the area. I learned about her when  I was researching the vendors that planned on attending the Shenandoah Fiber Festival 2024.  As soon as I saw her colorways during my internet browsing, I knew that I wanted to find her booth first and find out if her yarn hanks pass the touch test.

Reviewing Companion Yarn introduction photo

Caitlin Moran and the Companion Fiber Company

Caitlin is the creator and owner of Companion Fiber Company. Her website describes that she loves nature and the West Virginia countryside. As a farmer, she uses companion planting (intentionally planting vegetables and flowers next to each other because they benefit each other) and that is the significance of her yarn shop name.

Companion Fiber company began in 2018. The merino yarn (in several different weights) is a natural fiber that is dyed in small dye lots by hand. Caitlin chooses the colorways from the inspiration of the land and plants around her.

In her shop, she offers

  • Roving in Merino or Variegated BFL (bluefaced Leicester wool)
  • Yarn hanks of Merino in fingerling, DK, Worsted weights, Super Bulky
  • Fingerling weight/sock yarn in 80% merino/20% nylon
  • At select shows, she offers hand-knitted plush animals (the hedgehogs were adorable!)

Shenandoah Fiber Festival

The 19th annual Shenandoah Fiber Festival in Berryville, VA is the first festival I have ever attended that focuses on natural fiber arts. The natural fibers coming from sheep, goats, alpaca, and rabbit. (those were the animals I saw anyway). The festival included fleece judging and plenty of animals to see and learn about. 

Because I had seen her colorway decisions, I made a beeline to her booth first. I was leaning toward 2 different colors as they appeared online for a natural-fiber sweater that I plan to make for myself. I want pops of color of her yarns in a field of neutral black, gray, or brown. Once I found her booth, I realized that it was going to be more difficult than I thought to choose one colorway. The hanks were visually pleasing. And oh so soft to the touch! Historically, I haven't been a fan of wool and natural fibers because I remember them as being scratchy. Her hanks are so incredibly soft. I wanted to wrap myself in the sample lap afghan she had draped in her chair. Caitlin was very helpful as I tried to decide between worsted weight and DK. (I chose DK because of the drape and feel of that beautiful lap afghan!)

I did choose a hank of Bakerton Quarry, which I had my eye on when I saw it on her social media. I'm not familiar with Bakerton Quarry. It must be a gorgeous place. The colorway personally reminds me of the Eastern Bluebirds that live here. I also chose Juniper. Frankly, at her booth, I wanted hanks in all of her colors. They are such vibrant colors and her color combinations really do parallel nature in this area. 

The only wish I have for her shop is that she include more neutral and almost "solid" colors of blacks, greys and browns. But that wasn't a deal-breaker as I went to another booth for the neutral, base color for my future sweater. 

I cannot begin to tell you how in love I am with Companion Fiber yarns. 

photo of hanks of merino wool yarn
Bakerton Quarry and Juniper colorways

Companion Fiber Social Media: 

Website Companion Fiber

Companion Fiber Facebook

Companion Fiber Instagram

Local Fiber Festivals and Shows - On her webpage, Caitlin lists the shows that she plans on attending. In the list, I notice towns as far north as State College, PA and as far south as Baltimore, Md. And plenty of shows in VA, WV, and MD. If you can't find her at a show or festival, I hope you take a quick peek at her page. 

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Monday, September 16, 2024

Introducing Joe Pickett, Season 1

Joe Pickett is the new, unassuming game warden in a remote area of Wyoming. He is a quiet man and not your typical hero. Joe is publically introduced to his neighbors in Saddle String as a push-over after a poacher holds him at gunpoint - with Joe's gun. The "bad guys" consider him to be easy-to-manage and believe he'll fall in line with the how-it's-done-here mentality of the town and surrounding public lands. But Joe is a game warden who follows the rules, and expects everyone else to follow the rules too, even if he has to give his life to protect the wildlife. In this review, I will tell you a bit more about Joe and the characters of Saddle String.

Wyoming Cowboy photo and text
Photo Credit: By Bob Wick of the Bureau of Land Management
(public domain) 

Joe Pickett, Season 1

As a young boy, Joe decides he wants to become a game warden. The outdoors is his sanctuary and he has a caring spirit.  

Joe Pickett season 1, episode 1 opens almost immediately with a life or death situation during Joe's normal game warden business. Ote Keeley is a local outfitter and hunting guide. He needs his hunting license to make a living and support his family be he's also a poacher and Joe catches him in the act. During the confrontation, Ote taunts Joe for having arrested the Governor for fishing without a license. 

"I didn't know he was the Governor".  Joe responded. But it wouldn't have made a difference if he had known. Rules are rules. And unlike Joe's predecessor, Vern, Joe doesn't cut deals or do favors. He doesn't follow Vern's suggestion to focus on ticketing the tourists and looking the other way for the residents. 

During the confrontation, Ote takes Joe's sidearm and holds him at gun point. Even at gunpoint, Joe doesn't back down from his plan to write him up for poaching. Fortunately, they come to a sort of truce and no one dies. Not on that day.

Later, Ote's body is found, shot dead with an arrow, in Joe's yard. Joe is trying to figure out why Ote would have come to his home on horseback, with an arrow in him. While law enforcement immediately arrests a suspect - surprisingly, they don't arrest Joe for the murder - Joe begins researching the crime from the game warden perspective. Ote was killed with an illegal arrow tip. 

As the murder count increases, people seem to be falsely accused, evidence disappears, and Joe knows he's missing a piece of the puzzle. But will he, his wife, and children live through the investigation or should he give up his job and turn a blind eye to it all?

This story is a modern western murder mystery in a gorgeous mountainous setting. There were so many characters who were unlikeable in this one small town that I couldn't guess who was exactly at fault. 


Joe Pickett (Michael Dorman) and his wife, Marybeth (Julianna Guill) are trying to raise their children in a peaceful and safe setting. Marybeth was a lawyer until she made the conscious decision to stay home and raise her children - rather than be the stressed, absent parent that busy lawyers often are.  Her mother Missy (Sharon Lawrence) frequently berates Marybeth for this choice, for being a game warden's wife, and for choosing a simple life.  Interesting that Missy feels like she's in the position to judge anyone about their life choices.

Ote Keeley (Benjamin Hollingsworth) is the "degenerate" married to April Keeley (Vivienne Guynn) and they have children. Even though Ote died at the very beginning of the series, we think about him alot. And April incites both disgust and empathy.

Nate Romanowski (Mustafa Speaks) is the prepper/recluse who is immediately arrested for the murder of Ote based solely on one incident they had in the past (Ote killed one of Nate's birds of prey) and because Nate owns a bow. Nate comes across as frightening and perhaps manipulative. He asks Joe to find the truth and Marybeth ends up being his lawyer for the murder trial.

There is a huge cast. And far too many to list. There are the rich folks, poor folks, law-abiding folks, schemers, very strange-but-harmless folks, and the killers.  Most all of law enforcement and politicians are questionable and either lazy/inept or trying to redirect. 

I enjoyed Joe Pickett, Season 1 so much that I binge-watched it one weekend. I immediately began recommending it to others. I love thriller/mysteries that are set in amazing settings. The elk, bison, and mountains are all peaceful eye-candy. The clash between the good guys, bad guys, and flawed guys is the cherry on top. 

The Joe Pickett series written by C.J. Box

This tv series is based on the books written by C.J. Box. I have book 1 in my kindle and haven't read it yet only because I've been so engrossed in several of W. Michael Gear's historical fiction series. After discovering the Joe Pickett tv series by accident, you can know that I will begin reading the C.J. Box books next.  Especially since there are many books in the written series and only 1 and 2 and the television series. 

Related Links

Joe Pickett, season 1 on Amazon Prime Video or DVD

Author C.J. Box on Amazon:   Open Season (A Joe Pickett Novel Book 1)

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Reviewing Wool Ease Fair Isle Yarn by Lion Brand

I have crocheted for many decades but only recently have begun purchasing natural fiber yarns (wool and alpaca) for my projects. I was very excited to find the Fair Isle colorway by Lion Brand and have crocheted a hat that I'm very pleased with. My project ideas for this specific yarn is already a long list. 

Photo of the Pink Mushroom Wool Ease yarn

Isn't Fair Isle Just the Name of a Colorway?

Yes and no. It is the name of this Lion Brand skein because it is a self-striping or self-pooling skein of yarn intended to create patterns that appear similar to the original style of Fair Isle - but without using two strands of yarn at a time while knitting. I chose the Fair Isle (self-striping) skein in the colorway Pink Mushroom. There are other color choices in the Fair Isle style of yarn.

Historically, Fair Isle is a knitting technique that is worked holding two strands of yarn, separately, at a time. The technique results in colors that create repeated shapes across the work. These shapes often are "OXO" shapes or simple geometric shapes. It was named Fair Isle after one of the Shetland Islands and reportedly became more popular after the Prince of Wales wore a Fair Isle sweater. I have always admired these designs but hadn't known previously that it was a specific knitting technique.

Wool Ease Fair Isle Yarn by Lion Brand

The Wool Ease Fair Isle yarn is meant to pool into patterns. This happens much more easily when knitting since the shapes are better formed in the "v" stitches that occur in knitting. Unfortunately, I have not yet learned how to knit.  But I still loved the colors offered in these skeins. And I'm looking to make more projects with natural fibers and that have the thicker, "wool" appearance. I bought one skein, worked up a hat, and immediately ordered more skeins.


  • 80% Acrylic, 20% wool blend
  • weight size 4 (worsted)
  • 5.3 oz/348 yd
  • machine wash gentle, tumble dry low
  • Size 8 knitting needles/size J crochet hook

This Wool Ease yarn is a great way to start using a natural fiber blend, but isn't as expensive as a full natural fiber skein. And because it is a blend, it does not have to be handwashed.

I was attracted to the colorways. Many variegated yarns are extremely bold and bright colors.  I know that bright colors are the preferred choice of many people. But I prefer subdued colors. The Wool Ease Fair Isle offers the gentle colors that I like. 

I crocheted a hat, knowing that I would not get the exact patterns that someone knitting would achieve. But I was focused on the gentle colors. I was very pleasantly surprised when my hat turned out with pleasing stripes and flecks. And bonus, I have enough yarn in this skein to make another 1 - 2 hats!

As I was creating my hat, I was excitedly listing all of the projects that would be beautiful in this yarn; mittens, fingerless gloves, scarves, stuffed animals (wouldn't bunnies and elephants be beautiful in this color?!). This yarn is not as soft as the Eddie Bauer Wool-Paca yarn I recently purchased. But that's okay. While the Wool Ease Fair Isle is not as soft, it is not itchy due to amount of acrylic yarn in the blend. It is very thick and "cushiony".

Photo of a my crocheted hat

The skein labels picture a finished project with repeating shapes. It states, "to create projects pictured here, visit  With an internet search, you can also find reviews of this yarn, some projects, and examples of Fair Isle projects using 2 strands of yarn instead of the ease of using this one strand of Wool Ease. 

Related Links:

Be sure to visit the Lion Brand official site for more information and patterns. 

I often buy my yarn online at Joann Fabric and Crafts now that I don't live near any good yarn stores. I take advantage of their really good sales.

 If you prefer Amazon Prime due to saving the shipping costs, just do a search for "Yarn" and many options pop up; including Lion Brand yarn.

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