Showing posts with label Olivia Morris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olivia Morris. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

There Are Days Just Meant For Fun! A Holiday Review

 As Mid-March arrives, if anyone asks what your favorite color is, the answer better be GREEN!

Why?  Well everyone knows that on the 17th of March, the whole world seems to be Irish!  St. Patrick's Day is the one day of the year where GREEN is the mandatory color in everyone's attire or their accessories!

It doesn't matter if its Kelly Green, pale Green, Bold Emerald Green or any combination, the most important part is that it belongs to the family of Green! 

Now let's get down to a bit of history!  St. Patrick became the Patron Saint of the Green Isle when he was sent to proclaim Christ to the people in the 5th century.  Yes you read that right, he is a very old Patron Saint. He was born in Britain and at the age of 16 was taken from his village and placed into slavery in Ireland.  Yes, the times he lived in were barbarous and slavery was not uncommon. He did manage to escape, but felt a calling to return to Ireland. 

He was a very spiritual man, who during his travels around Ireland, baptized many people into the Catholic Christian Church.  He was very careful to keep the peace with all the chieftains in the region so that he was welcomed by all.  He gave gifts and took none in return.  Many legends surround St. Patrick, the most popular is the Shamrock which helped Patrick explain the concept of the Holy Trinity. 

St. Patrick is also credited with getting all the snakes, demons and practitioners of magic to leave Ireland.  These "miracles" cannot be authenticated, but many still believe them.

But let's get to the fun part, current day celebrations of St. Patrick's Day are attributed to the European immigrants in the 18th century.  Boston celebrated the first St. Patrick's Day parade in 1737.  The large Irish population enjoyed the celebrations so much that many new ways to celebrate the day came about.  The color GREEN not only celebrates St. Patrick, but rather is a way to celebrate the country of Ireland.  

Today we see everyone as Irish on March 17th and many people enjoy adding to the mirth and merriment of the day by adding something GREEN  to their clothing.  People will enjoy Irish foods and even color their beer for the day. 

Now I've given you fair warning that this holiday is coming up shortly and to that end have furnished you with a page from where you can find anything your little heart could desire to make this St. Patty's Day fun for you and your family. 

st patricks

Just imagine a day without any strife and everyone wishing everyone else a Happy St. Patty's Day!  A little fun goes a long way. 


Here's an Irish Blessing Just for You!

May love and laughter

light your days

and warm your heart and home,

may good and faithful friends be yours 

wherever you may roam,

May peace and plenty bless your world 

with joy that long endures,

May all life's 

passing seasons 

bring the best

to you and yours!  


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Life is a Challenge Sometimes! A Product Review

Aging they say is not for the faint of heart!  And as I get older I think I have to agree with this statement.  The wonderful thing about getting older with a grateful heart, is that you can see the humour in some of the most challenging times!  I'm laughing now, but I wasn't when it was happening....

So let me tell you the story that brings on this review! 

Hubby and I are now apartment dwellers!  We have our house, but our son lives in it and takes care of it and we live our lives comfortably in a high-rise with elevators and all our needs are close at hand.

So far the story is a fairy tale.  
key tracker

Now, we like to go for walks in the neighborhood, grocery shopping is right across the street and the drug store (when you get older this is a necessity) and everything else we could want are just a hop, skip and a jump away.

The story is still a fairy tale!

Now comes the hard part!  Hubby went for his walk to the grocery store and drug store, taking his new "Cadillac" with him for the jaunt. (Cadillac, also better known as a Rollator) So far, so good!  He gets home and realizes that somewhere along his trip he has lost his keys.......start the music, very dramatic and sad music please!

He can't get into the apartment without his keys as there is a security tag that needs to be scanned.  So, he walks back the same route that he just finished and is looking for keys that should have been somewhere along this path.  No keys were found, he even stopped into the pharmacy and grocery to see if anyone had turned over some lost keys!  Alas, this was to no avail.  Please enter a very sad face here!  
smiley face

Well, we have "War Amps Key Tags" on our keys in the hopes that if they are ever lost, they will be returned using this wonderful service.  After waiting a few weeks, we realized that this was not going to happen.  Sadly, someone found the keys and instead of dropping them in a mailbox, probably threw them away.

Sad for us, as it taught us a very expensive lesson.  Car keys (we have an old 2008 car) and the fob that opens and locks the car are very expensive to replace.  I've been told it could be between 300 to 600 dollars for the key and another 100- 200 for the fob.  Pricey replacements for sure, not to mention the apartment key and fob to get into the building at another 50 to 60 dollars.

Well after putting out these amounts, we are determined that this will not happen to our keys again.  Hubby got online to find a solution.  The solution was simple, inexpensive and seems to work really great so far.

What is it?  Let me tell you.....How about a tracker that you use with your phone to alert you to the location of your keys!  These tracker tags are most often used for tracking luggage, but the bonus is you can really track anything that will hold a key ring!  They are small, the size of a 50 cent piece and come with a lithium battery that should last a good year or more.  Add them to your key ring and you can see exactly where your keys are.  I have been able to follow my hubby's keys to the grocery store, pharmacy and back home again on my phone.  If he drops them along the way, my phone will know where they are. 


These Luggage/Key trackers are under 40 dollars for 4 of them and we think they will prove to be the item that should help us in the event of loosing our keys again.  There is a great list of all the "features" of these tags if you follow this link

Getting older is wonderful and offers us many opportunities because our time is our own to do what we want, but it also comes with challenges, like forgetfulness.  These tags would be a great  help to anyone you love who might be finding themselves in our position.  They will appreciate your thoughtfulness and be grateful should they ever need to find what they lost!  This is a Perfect Gift for aging parents and something that they will truly appreciate!

Happy Days are here again!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella ~ A Book Review

 Well I don't know about all of you but my friends and I are always on the lookout for something a little lighter and fun after all the stresses of the Holidays are over.  To that end we search out something to do or read that will bring a little levity to our days.  And that's when The Undomestic Goddess, by Sophie Kinsella landed on my desk!

All of my gal pals have had enough of cooking, cleaning, preparing meals and speical family dinners to last then till Easter at least and I'm sure some of you are feeling that way too!  Well, I have a solution for you and it's between the pages of this book.  The Undomestic Goddess makes you stop and think, "What could this possibly be about?"

Well, if you are in need of some light hearted reading that will have you laughing out loud, this just might be the book you are looking for.  Written in 2008 it's not new by any means of the imagination, but the story is so good that you just might want to pick it up more than once, or pick up some of Sophie Kinsella's other books.

So here's the synopsis and you decide if it's something you would enjoy:

Samantha Sweeting is a brilliant mind, smart as a whip and all she's ever wanted is to become a lawyer!  Well after passing the bar and getting her first job at the most prestigious law firm in town, she is well on her way to realizing her dreams.  

After 7 years of putting in all the hours, weekend meetings, last minute preparations for a big legal fight, Samantha does one thing wrong and it will be her undoing!  She's made a mistake that any first year intern would never make and it's going to cost her the job of her dreams and the firm 50 million pounds!

Needless to say, her dreams of becoming a partner in this firm is  never going to happen!  How could she have been so stupid.  A super smart, brilliant legal mind does not forget to file papers to protect the company she works for from being sued or liable for that kind of money.  But, that's what has happened.

Samantha in her panic leaves the offices amid gasping partners that have just found out what she has done.  She is having a major melt down and can't focus at all on the next steps to take. 

Finding herself on a train going somewhere, she literally stumbles onto the grounds of a very nice home!  She's hoping to get some clarity and the owners of the home are awaiting the arrival of a "Domestic" to help run their home.

Well, let's just say that Samantha in her crazed mental state accepts the position as the new housekeeper.  After all where else is she going to go? 

I don't want to give to much more of the book away, let's just agree that what happens after this chance encounter and new job posting, Samantha gets a whole new education and the hilarity ensues.

cleaning woman

This book is classified as Chick-Lit, and so it is!  I would recommend it to anyone who needs a break from their normal genre of reading materials.  Sit back and enjoy page after page of the antics that happen when a lawyer turns up to clean the Loo's, do the laundry,  ironing and cook the dinners!

You will find yourself shaking your head and laughing out loud!  January is a great time of the year to start with a good belly laugh!  And you can start it right here!

Sophie Kinsella is witty, funny, and just very easy to read and if you enjoy this book there are other's that she has written as well.

Here are some of  her other titles that you might enjoy and there are many more:

Shopaholic and Sister

Can You Keep a Secret?

Shopaholic Ties The Knot

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan 

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Just for added fun, many of these titles are free if you are a member of the Audible Audiobooks on Amazon.  And there are more there for you as well.

I have a few loaded up on my reader to take to the beach when we are away on holidays!

I hope you enjoy her writing as much as I have!

the undomestic goddess

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

There are Vacuums and then there are Stick Vacuums! A Product Review

Hubby and I have been having a major disagreement over, wait for it, Vacuum Cleaners!

After 50_+ years of marriage you think we would have done this subject and moved on to something else, but alas, we are still having major discussions over which vacuum sucks more!

When we were in our home, we had a central vacuum that I really enjoyed as there was no bags, no canister and no cords to worry about!  But once we moved into our apartment, we were back to needing a vacuum that was not built in!  

So we have had canister vacuums, upright vacuums and each of them leaves me wishing for something better.  The canister vacuum always gets something stuck in the wand and leaves me stopping the job half way through to dislodge whatever is blocking my way!  It is good for getting under the couch and catching all those little bits of snacks that hubby eats during the hockey games.  But, I find that the cord is not long enough and the canister fills up real quick so the suction power seems to be a lot less very quickly. The upright vacuums are a little better in not getting blocked up, but they are cumbersome and don't get under the couches easily at all.

So, while I was out one day I happened to see someone using a small upright vacuum with no cords visible anywhere.  I watched as he vacuumed the area rugs that were full of salt from people's boots and this small upright vacuum did an amazing job on all those salt chunks in record time.  It was  relatively quiet during operation and did not need a "strong man" to handle it!  Some of the uprights I've had tired me out completely!

So being curious, I asked the young man about the vacuum and he told me it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Easy, mounts on the wall, runs for a good hour without another charge and is really easy to clean after using.  Not only that, but it's light and doesn't require the arms of a body builder to use.

Going home, I did some research and decided that I wanted to try one of these Stick Vacuums!

Hubby and I started to look at all the options and there really are many models available and many different manufacturers as well.  

If you have money to spare and want top of the line you can buy a Dyson* for about $900. This was not an option for us!  Eureka was much more affordable at about $125.00, but the reviews weren't that great!  Bissell also has a Stick Cordless Vacuum for about $165.00 but again the reviews were not all that flattering.  

We decided to go with the Amazon Choice as it was affordable, had good reviews and met all the needs I had.  For $170. it was a chance I was willing to take and now I'm really glad I did!

This Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner has a good strong motor, a 60 minute run time between charges, suction to spare,  wall mounting and will vacuum carpets as well as hardwood floors without needing to change the vacuum head!  It will also vacuum upholstery(with an attachment) and crevices as well.  Easy emptying of the dust container is a bonus.  I think I'm in love with vacuuming again.


Of course you can have a corded vacuum if you want, but why would you?  No running over the cord as you move through your home with the cordless models!  For daily clean ups, this is the answer for me!  When I'm done it goes back onto it's charging dock, out of sight and getting ready for the next time!


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas to All : From the Heart!

Christmas Day is here!  All the build up has come to it's climax!  Hopefully everyone is now relaxed and playing or using their gifts in ways that will bring them joy!

Joy is the result we are all looking for!

May the days that follow Christmas morning bring you Joy!  Joy at the sight of family and friends!  Joy at the wonder in the eyes of the children.  Joy in the singing of Christmas carols and Joy in the delight of a wonderful Christmas dinner shared with loved ones.

2024 is coming to an end very quickly, so take the time to make some wonderful memories that will hopefully start 2025 on the right note. 

May you all be Blessed this Christmas with Peace, an abundance of Love and Joy for you to take with you into the New Year.  From all of us here at, this is our wish for you all!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Advent Wreaths ~ A Special Way to Countdown to Christmas~ From the Heart

For many people Christmas is a time of gift giving and holiday cheer, but for Christians, this time before Christmas marks a very special time to get ourselves ready for the Birth of the Christ Child.

A great way for family's to do this preparation is with a Christmas Wreath.   

What exactly is this Christmas Wreath?  

It's not just a door decoration but rather a decoration that sits on the Family's Dining Room or Living Room table.

It is a wreath made usually from evergreens and possibly decorated with some poinsettias or berries in between.  There is place on this wreath for 4 candles.

Christmas advent wreath

What is the meaning of all this?  Well from a Christian perspective, there is lots of  traditional symbolism involved with the Advent Wreath.

So let's break it down!  

  • A wreath is round, a circle symbolizing no beginning and no end.
  • It is usually covered with evergreens, either cedar or pine, again symbolizing everlasting life.
  • All Advent Wreaths should have 4 Candles around the perimeter of the circle.  
  • 4 Candles, 3 purple and one pink.  Sometimes Christians will add a 5th candle in the middle of White.
  • 3 Purple candles symbolize, Faith, Hope and Love with the pink candle symbolizing Joy!
  • The White Candle if added is a symbol of Christ and the Light of the World.

How do you use the Advent wreath?  Well for most Christians, each Sunday before Christmas is a countdown to the Big Event!  Not the coming of Santa Claus, but rather the coming of the Christ child.
Each Sunday for the 4 weeks before Christmas,  a candle is lit and the family sometimes will read the Bible story of the coming of Christ.

Week 1 will see one purple candle lit, week 2 two purple candles are lit, week 3 the pink candle is lit, and week 4 the last purple candle is lit.  Why the Pink candle?  Well as it gets closer and closer to the actual Christmas day, you can feel the Joy of the family waiting in anticipation.  By Christmas all 4 Candles are burning brightly.  Some family's will add that 5th candle, a White One, on Christmas Day symbolising the birth of the Christ Child.

Many times some of the symbolism will be scrapped and white or gold or red candles will replace the purple and pink, or a color of your choice to match your decor.  It is entirely up to you and your beliefs if you have an  traditional Advent Wreath in your home. 
Christmas will come one way or another, but sometimes it's nice to have the reminders of the reason for the season and help your family understand the story! 
Christmas advent wreath

Amazon has a lovely Advent Wreath that can be purchased here: 
Candles must be purchased separately here:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

November, A Great Time to Pursue a New Hobby!

 For most of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere, the days are definitely getting shorter and the nights a lot longer.  Well that's what everyone says, but it's not really true.  The days are all still 24 hours long, it's just that when it gets dark at 5 p.m. the day seems that much shorter.

So what are you going to do now that you have more time indoors rather than out of doors?

Might I suggest it's a great time to take up a new hobby, or revive a hobby that you haven't done in a long time?

I'm personally taking up my knitting needles.  Why?  Well, let me tell you!  My mother who you have heard about in other reviews, was a knitter extraordinaire!  She could whip up a sweater in less than a week!  I'm talking about sweaters that had intricate patterns or several yarn/color changes and with long sleeves.  

The only problem was that her knitting was so fast, that neither my sister or I could keep up with her and she would get frustrated by our lack of dexterity!  Whenever we started a project, she would end up finishing it for us.  While we loved that (because we got a sweater faster), it did nothing to help us with our learning skills.  So it was a mixed blessing.


Actually, I feel kind of bad because I could have seen that she was slipping into dementia had I paid more attention to what was happening between her needles!  But that is another whole story!

Now I know that I will never have another sweater made by my mother, so I have to take up the hobby if I ever want another beautiful cardigan or pullover in my wardrobe. Oh I know the basics and remember them well, but I also want something that has a little pizzazz added! So now I am trolling You Tube channels to find the help and knitting circles at Senior's Centers for some added comaraderie.


For absolute beginners there are several channels to help you begin.  This is one that I watched and liked and you might like it as well from Frock and Fern!

If you can't stand listening to someone giving instructions, you can also buy books to show you with bright well done pictures so that you can move faster or slower depending on how you are enjoying this new experience.  Here are some great books and leaflets to help you along.

Knitting for Beginners Amazon Page!

You will find everything you need to know to start this new hobby and if you are a Prime Subscriber, you get next day delivery too!  

For myself, I know I will take up the knitting and keep at it, but if you are not sure that this is a hobby for you, you can go to your local Salvation Army/Good Will store and I'm sure you will find yarn and needles there for next to nothing.  If you don't enjoy this hobby you can donate it back to the same place you purchased it.  Nothing lost, just a little of your time.

I know I get lots of inspiration here on RTR ( especially from some of our contributors who make the most fantastic hand knitted and crocheted items. You can find all kinds of beautiful hand made goodies just check out

While I will take up the knitting, there is lots on these pages to help you decide what you are going to do with your extra indoor time now that it is here!  Happy Indoor Crafting Time for everyone!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Sins of the Family, Felicity Davis ~ A Book Review

Thanksgiving for Canadians has come and gone and for many of my friends in the US it will be coming up very shortly.

For many families, this is a time of getting together, sharing our time, our joys and our losses through the year behind us and looking forward to the year ahead.

But, that is for most "normal" families!  What happens when you don't belong to that "kind" of family. 


Sins of the Family

Sins of the Family is a true story about a dysfunctional family with secrets that are over 100 years old and that have managed to tear this family apart.

What if your family was rife with mental illness or an inability to cope with their truth and history? What if your own granddad and your mother did nothing to stop your Gran from behaving the way she does?

Felicity lives in this situation!  She takes abuse from her Gran on a daily basis. She is beaten and verbally abused everyday.   She doesn't know why Gran is so mean and abusive.  As a small child she really didn't know that this wasn't "normal".   Standing for an hour or more switching on a light and switching it back off again, until she got it right, was a common torture forced on her by her Gran! 

Only once in a blue moon would her Grandad come to her rescue, raising his voice to her.  Her mother was never one to raise any objection to the way Gran treated Felicity, because if she complained, she would be the next target!

One woman's power over this family has done so much damage.

Can Felicity ever figure out what a normal life looks like and how to get out from the crazy place she calls home?

This book is an eye opener and Felicity does start to find some answers after digging into her family's history.  

Let's just say, it's not a pretty picture at all!

I don't want to give away too much about Felicity's life, but suggest that this is a really interesting book. Never having had any of the experiences that she had, gave me some new insights  into other people's lives that I have never even considered before.

This book will leave you shaking your head and wondering how this could happen in our day and age!

Yet I'm sure that it does happen and probably happens more often than we ("normal") people think

It is clear to me that we can never, ever judge other people because we just don't know what makes them tick and what they have been through.  All our experiences shape our lives and Felicity is no different in that.

This book has made me glad that I have a "normal" family with problems that we discuss or work out! Thanksgiving is for giving thanks and after this book I will give thanks much more often.  Understanding and forgiveness are two of the biggest steps you need to take to move forward!  

I hope you take the time to read this book!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Energy Efficiency and Comfort at an Affordable Price ~ A Product Review

It may come as a surprise to you, but air movement in the home can make the surroundings so much more comfortable whether it's summer or winter. 

We have had ceiling fans in our home for years and are always amazed at how much they help keeping the cool air moving around in the summer time and the warm air moving in the winter. 

Cold air by it's nature is heavy and sits lower down in the room.  A ceiling fan helps to move that cooler air to the upper areas of the room making it feel cooler and the breeze brought on by the air movement is really nice.  For myself I love the air movement in the night, because you know, women and their hot flashes just seem to happen more often at night.  Just that little bit of air movement seems to help with that problem.

In winter time the warm air moves to the top of the room and your feet can become really cold.  Keep that air moving and the warm air will also move down to where your toes are at!

Now if you are not an electrician, installing a ceiling fan could cost you some serious cash, but what if I told you there was an alternative?

Hubby just found a lovely little ceiling fan for under $50.00 that does not require and electrician to install it.  You don't believe me?  Well here is the little beauty! It's made by Bell & Howell and you can see for yourself that it does what it says it will do!

socket fanlight
This little wonder will turn any socket into a lovely ceiling fan that not only offers movement of the air around you, but also gives you three different light settings and three different speeds for the fan.  It's all controlled by a nice little remote. 

It is quiet, easy to install and will help you keep that air circulating whether it is warm air moving around or cooled air for the summer months.

All in all, this is one handy little fan that I'm sure you will find a use for in your home or apartment.  It is a Number 1 Best Seller on Amazon and I can see why!  

If you need a little "movement" in your life, this just might be the thing to get you going in the right direction!  We are enjoying ours and now you can have an easy to install new Light/Ceiling Fan combination in your home too!

Oh and for those in apartment buildings, you don't even need the super's help or permission to install this handly little item.  Just undo the light bulb and insert the ceiling fan into the base.  Done!  It can't get any easier than this!  

I hope you enjoy this neat little find and let me know how you like it in the comments. I love to hear from you!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Something in the Walls ~ Daisy Pearce ~ A Book Review

Just in time for Halloween, this writer decided to jump on board the "horror" genre of books.  I'll be the first to admit that it is not my favorite genre, but "Something in the Walls"  by Daisy Pearce, grabbed me and didn't let go until the very end.

Netgalley has this book listed as a Mystery & Thriller or General Fiction.  I think I would add Horror to the tags on this book.

something in the walls

Nothing, but nothing will have you checking under the beds before you go to sleep than a good book that raises all the hackles.  

Mina is a newly certified child phycologist and she's waiting for her chance to show the world that she's ready to help any youngster make sense of their world.  She is also trying her hardest to be taken seriously even though she hasn't yet had a real "case".  Mina has issues from her own childhood.  She always attends a bereavement group after losing her brother.  At one of these meetings she is introduced to Sam Hunter (a reporter) and he has a proposition for her.

Alice Webber is just thirteen years old and the small community of Banathel where she lives, is convinced that she is being haunted by a witch.  The town has a long history of witchcraft and superstitions run deep.  Everyone believes there is evil in the world.  But in Banathel, there are prescribed ways of dealing with that evil.  

The Webber family and many of the townsfolk are very poor, so is this just a way for them to become the latest "front-page" news?  If they can milk this story maybe they can get out of their poverty and live a little better.  The whole family will benefit or is there something sinister happening?

Mina is convinced that she can help Alice and Sam wouldn't mind getting a good story out of the experience for his newspaper.  

Instead of things getting better with their arrival in town, Alice seems to be getting worse!  She hears voices, sees things coming out of the falling down brickwork, knows something of Mina's and Sam's past.  How do these things happen and does Alice have some answers for Mina and Sam?  

People are dying for reasons unknown and Alice seems to be in the middle of it all.  The townsfolk are ready to deal with the girl who is haunted or maybe is the witch herself.

If you like horror and being kept on the edge of your seat, then this book is for you.  It is available through Amazon , just click on the book cover above!  If you have an Audiobook subscription you can get it for free! 

A little scaring is just what everyone needs to get into the Spooky Side of Halloween!  Enjoy!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

All the Broken Angels ~ A Book Review

Sometimes a title grabs you and doesn't let you go.  That's what happened to me with this Book Title and I'm so happy that it did in fact grab me!

As part of the community, there are books offered to members for their honest and true reviews. 

Pat Black-Gould and Steve Hardiman have hit all the right notes with All the Broken Angels!  It is a Finalist in the upcoming 2024 Royal Palm Literary Awards!.  

If you grew up in the 1950's, 60's and 70's you will be able to place yourself into this book without any trouble at all. 
These decades were the decades of many changes!  I'm talking about big changes!  There were changes in the church, changes in the schools, changes in our collective feelings about war, peace, space, family and our own roles in society!

These were the decades of Peace Walks and Talks, Vietnam, distrust in organized religions, protest marches, army drafts, women working to break the barriers in the job markets, and mother's who wanted more out of life than just raising a family.
soldier with flower

It was a time of great upheaval in the family and society as a whole.  

All The Broken Angels hits on many of the "hot" topics of the day and brings many painful memories and some of our broken innocence or naive notions to light.

Cousins Cate and Albie are in the center of all this turmoil.  They are best friends, go to school together, play together and are being raised by mom's who still care for their immigrant parents.  They are "old school" and "new school" at the same time.  Falling back into what worked for their grandparents when they first arrived in the country they chose to call their new home, many old fashioned notions needed to change.  That change did not come easily for the elders as many stuck to their customs brought to this new land from their old countries. 

Cate and Albie are close and yet so far apart in their thinking.  Cate is a bit of a rebel and Albie is very much focused on being just like his dad ( a World War II vet).  Cate tries to challenge many things she sees as "unbelievable" and "wrong", while Albie knows when to keep his mouth shut and ride whatever wave they are travelling on.  Parochial schools with their hard edge on religion and beliefs did not sit well with Cate and try as she might, she really was trying to understand.  Albie was much more easy going and let all these things ride without too much personal comments.  Needless to say Cate and Albie's school life was not what we look back on with good humor.  School could be very distressing to some young minds.

This novel had me laughing and crying, admitting that many of these things were happening around me at that time and by the end of the novel I was totally a part of the world as seen through their eyes. Oh the memories that this book brought to light.  Things I hadn't thought of in a long, long time.  

All of life has a way of working out and Cate does find her way in this new world with all of it's possibilities. She is able to make peace with many things that caused her numerous sleepless nights.  Heartwarming and true to life is this story of All the Broken Angels.

Indies Today writes about All The Broken Angels: "Younger audiences will appreciate the richness of Americana, and older audiences will be kissed by nostalgia!

In my humble opinion this novel rates 5 Stars!  I don't give those out easily, but this book really deserves it and I do hope that you will find it and read it.  I'd love to hear if you reacted the same way!
Congratulations to the Authors Pat Black-Gould and Steve Hardiman!

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Aging and Safety in the Home ~ A Product Review

Aging gracefully is much easier if you have the tools to make aging easier.  There is no doubt that we age quietly and sometimes don't notice the changes until an accident happens.  Then we shake our heads and wonder what the heck happened and how it happened so quickly.

Now if you've been looking after an aging relative for a while you might notice those changes in them quicker than you realize those changes are also happening to you too!  Your focus is different when there is an elderly person in your own home.

Somehow we focus all our efforts on making them comfortable and safe.  We forget about making ourselves comfortable and safe too!

When my mother was living with us, we invested in night lights so that she would be able to get to the washroom and back to her bedroom without any troubles.  They worked great and we were very happy that it solved a problem that we had not thought of before.  She loved that they stayed on all the time as well.  So long as she was happy we were happy too!

Now, my mother is no longer living with us(she is in long term care), we are the ones that seem to be aging quicker.  Or it could be that we are noticing the changes when we don't have anyone else to concentrate our efforts on.  

The point is that we are in need of extra help in the night time now as well.  Our needs are a little different than my mother's were.  Our aging journey seems to be more focused on extra mobility needs.  So while we still have the night lights in place, we needed some light that would actually illuminate the surrounding area so that we could get our bearings easier.  

My husband has a problem with balance and waking in the middle of the night for a potty break was very difficult for him.  Putting his feet on the floor was not enough.  Balance can be helped with visual aids.  Hence we were on the look out for something that would illuminate without waking the partner still sleeping.  It had to illuminate enough so that walls and other obstacles would be clear and yet not such a glaring light to interrupt his sleep pattern either.  

We found a night light that is rechargeable, motion detecting, and cordless!  Recharging is done with a USB cable and each time it's charged it last a few weeks (3-4) depending on how often it is needed through the night. 


We bought a two pack of these motion detecting lights, but I see now that they are available in a 3 pack as well.  For less than $20.00 you are able to give yourself and your other half some well needed peace of mind and a clear path to that washroom.  I love that the light only stays on for a few minutes and then goes off.  Unlike nightlights that are plugged into the wall that stay on all the time.  

Peace of mind when you are aging is priceless and there are many tools to make the transition easier.  This in my books is one of them!  

The picture shows you what the light looks like off and on.  We have them mounted on the wall above the doorway to the washroom so that both the floor in front and the floor of the bathroom are well illuminated when needed.  The light is not so glaring that it wakes your brain up.  So a quick trip the loo and back into bed, close your eyes and continue sleeping.  It is working very well for us and I'm sure it would work for you too.

Pleasant dreams everyone and may you never trip on your way to the loo at night.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

An Aging Dilemma ~ Walking Carefully and Safely~ A Product Review

For years we have been told by doctors and other professionals that exercise is important and becomes more important as we age.

There are many ways to keep ourselves healthy and one of the most important after eating well and drinking lots of water, is to walk! There should not be a day that goes by where you don't walk for at least 10 minutes.  This exercise is completely available to everyone!  

But as we age, even taking a walk can be a source of anxiety.  All you need to do is fall once and the fear is entrenched.

So let's do the walking safely, so that a fall is not what happens ever.

When we are younger, our bodies react better to outside stimulus.  Looking up at birds, trees, planes and things around us is not a problem.  But once you are over 65, our bodies don't react the same way.
We can and should focus on our steps.  Putting one foot in front of the other and having a good pair of shoes on will make walking so much safer for older individuals.  Our eyes and bodies need to be focused on the job at hand.  

Walking should be the ultimate easy way to stay fit, so could I suggest that after making the choice to walk for fitness, you then make sure you have a good pair of walking shoes.  

I like athletic type shoes for my walking as the soles are well padded and the treads on the bottom are deep, giving me great traction in all kinds of weather. Puddles should not stop us from getting those walking minutes in.  If the weather is inclement then let's take our walking inside at a shopping mall. Many malls now have walking clubs that are available to anyone, or you can just go there and do your walk on your own.

If you need a little extra help, Nordic Walking Poles are a great addition and add a little extra stability and balance.  My other half and I have these Fit Life Walking Poles and we use them often.  They are light weight and yet sturdy.  The difference it makes when walking is amazing.  I would never have thought that holding onto these poles would make such a difference in my gait and the ability to walk even further than I thought possible.  But they really do help a lot!

Now that summer is on it's way out, it's time to make a new fitness challenge ours.  Let's all start by taking a nice walk in the autumn air to enjoy the change in weather as well as the beautiful changes in nature.  

Make your walk a daily habit and I bet you will be pleased with the results in both your physical health as well as your mental health.  

 Skechers Sport womens D'LITES FRESH START Memory Foam Lace-up Sneaker,White Silver,8.5 M USCheck Price TheFitLife Nordic Walking Trekking Poles - 2 Packs with Antishock and Quick Lock System, Telescopic, Collapsible, Ultralight for Hiking, Camping, Mountaining, Backpacking, Walking, Trekking (Blue)Check Price

In closing I just want to say that I am not a doctor, and the health benefits of walking are something that I have personally felt after committing to walking daily.  Check with your own physician to make sure that this is a good fit for you!


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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

When You Can't Remember, What Do You Do? ~ A Product Review

When you Can't Remember, What Do You Do?  

No I'm not talking about just a little forgetfulness!  Everyone has those moments and they are perfectly normal! They happen to everyone at some point in their day.  What I'm talking about is a process of the aging population and something that may affect more people now than ever before.

We are living longer and we are staying in better health for the most part.

But and here is the BIG BUTeven if we look after ourselves physically, there are changes that happen in our bodies whether we like them or not.

Many of you know that I have an elderly mom (93) and that up until this past year, she has been fairly healthy and strong.  That changed quite dramatically this past winter when she fell ill with a bacterial infection.  Once she was in hospital, it didn't take long before she also had the flu and pneumonia!  


This started a quick downward spiral that she has not been able to shake off.  Fast Forward to today and we are now in a situation where she is in a Long Term Care Facility and no longer able to look after herself.  Her mind is no longer all "there".  She sometimes lives in the present, but more often lives in the past.  Alzheimer's is the name and it's not pretty!

But, we make and take our moments while we can.  Last week we celebrated her birthday and thankfully my family was able to make it out to enjoy an afternoon with her.

She was having a "good" day, meaning that she was in the present and when she saw all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, she remained with us for the whole afternoon.

What a joy it was to have everyone make her feel so special!  She was able to talk with everyone and they all had some fond memories to share with her.  A blessing for me as I was concerned that she might not be having a good day.

Now we are going to build on that memory so that she has something wonderful to fixate on, rather than some memories of days gone by that are not so nice.  She has gone through much in her life and some of it was not pleasant.  With her mind, the way it is now, we have to change what she sees as memories and the best way to do that is to have those new beautiful memories right there in front of her on a daily basis.

No she cannot handle new technology, so we use the tools that we have.  Pictures in picture frames that she can hold.  If need be right up to her nose.  Then she stares at the faces smiling back at her and she does remember.  Oh she might not remember everything that happened during her party, but she does remember that they are family and they came out just for her!  After all she's in the center of the picture.

If you have someone you love that is struggling with their memory, might I suggest that a beautiful picture frame, filled with the loving faces of family, be one gift that will keep on giving pleasure for many months to come.  

This is the frame that I will purchase.  I like it because it is magnetic (pictures can be swapped out easily), It has a base that is wide enough to stand on it's own.  There isn't a lot of "extras" to take her mind off the picture.  And with the width of the frame, it stands up on it's own.  It's also easy for her to handle if she wants a closer look. You can even make it double sided so you get twice the bang for your buck!  What more could you ask for?

Picture Frame

When you have to deal with a disease like Alzheimer's, you need to use all the tools possible to make every day a great day!  I hope this helps anyone who is facing this diagnosis with their loved ones.

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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Have You Heard? A Fantastic New Kitchen Helper Is Here! A Product Review

There are some things in life that make me happy!  They are little things that don't cost a fortune but put a smile on my face whenever I see them.  

My son, who came for a visit just recently, put me onto one of these things that make me happy!   Have you heard about "Scrub Daddy's"?  

I love my little kitchen, everything has a place and everything I need is within reach.  But, here's the catch! In a small kitchen, you can also have a problem with smelly things!  Yeah, you know what I'm talking about!  It doesn't take much to have a smell "grow" in a small kitchen.  That's okay if you are talking about coffee or some new recipe for cakes or dinner, but when you are talking about dish cloths, well that's another whole story.

So back to my son's visit.  He happens to go into the kitchen and sure enough earlier in the day I had been cleaning out the fridge, stove top and counters.  The dish cloth I was using was in the sink and sure enough it had started to give off an odor that was not pleasant at all.

Mom, you need a Scrub Daddy!  Well , I just looked at him and told him I already had one of those and he doesn't work that well.  After a good laugh, he says, "Seriously, I found these Scrub Daddy's and they are fantastic in the kitchen! Needless to say, a few days passed by and sure enough the aforementioned son returns with a little package in hand!

Here you go Mom, these will help you in the kitchen and maybe make you smile too!  

Well I must tell you that they did indeed make me smile and having used my Scrub Daddy for over a year now, I am in love with this little gizmo.  

What is this Scrub Daddy?  Well it's a kitchen sponge, but not really a sponge!  It is make of polymer foam, that is BPA Free, as well as being stain and odor resistant.  When it is not in use it is has a firm composition, but put Scrub Daddy into warm water and he is very soft and pliable, yet still firm enough to do any job you set him to!  This Scrub Daddy can be used on any number of surfaces and will not scratch or mar even the most delicate surface!

scrub daddy

I have used my Scrub Daddy for everything from scrubbing refrigerator shelves, to washing my crystal vases that have become gungy from the last bouquet.  Scrub Daddy does it all and leaves thing shiny and spot free!  What more could you want?  The best part is that after a particular messy work out with my Scrub Daddy, he goes into the dishwasher for a deep clean and comes out smiling.  

If you haven't yet had a chance to try these fantastic little guys, I would suggest that you do and do it soon.  With a 5 Star rating and thousands of people purchasing these little guys, there must be something good here.

Oh and just for a little extra fun, you can also purchase Scrub Mommy's as well.  They are similar to Scrub Daddy but they have a sponge side to them that is also very strong and yet resists odors.  

All these can be put into the dishwasher if needs dictate.  Well, I would suggest that if you haven't heard about these Scrub Daddy and Scrub Mommy's, give them a try and I'm sure you will find another reason to smile while doing those everyday chores in the kitchen!

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Shari Lapena's What Have You Done? ~ A Book Review

Are you a Murder/Mystery Fan?  If so, this is a book that you should put on your radar!  Shari Lapena's  novel, What Have You Done? is a page turner and will keep you guessing right until the very end.  

what have you done book

Right now it is in pre-publishing and is scheduled for release on July 30th of this year.  

Shari does a masterful job in keeping the suspense growing in this novel.  The story begins in a small town where everyone knows everyone and nothing ever happens either!  The folks in Fairhill, Vermont are about to find out what happens when something happens......

A farmer's field and a tired farmer coming back to the homestead after a hard day in the fields, notices turkey vultures flying in the distance.  This can only mean something is out there and it could be some forest critter or something bigger.

Roy Ressler (the farmer) must go out and investigate, but he's not really looking forward to finding out  what those vultures are gorging on. He's not too fazed by what he's facing, after all he's a volunteer firefighter in the town and has seen some pretty nasty things, but nothing has prepared him for this find.

The small town is home to one high school, one grocery store and a hardware store.  There is not too much going on in Fairhill.  Until now!

This book had me reading into the late hours of the night.  I just had to find out how everyone was connected and who could possibly have caused so much tragedy in such a short time.

The author does an amazing job of making you feel like you would know these people and so you become invested in the story before the second chapter is complete.  I guess it's a good thing I'm not a great sleeper.  

Everything you ever thought about living in a small town is true in Fairhill.  No one worries about locking their doors, drawing the drapes or having a security system in place.  Everyone knows everyone and very little is ever out of place.

The kids hang out at the local graveyard telling ghost stories and spooking each other out.  But it is more comedy than anything else.

All of that is about to change.....Evan, Taylor, Riley and Diana (friends since grade school days) are about to have their world torn apart!

I don't want to give away too much of the story, so I will just let you know that there is some "colorful" language and a little bit of teenage dating angst in this story.  But nothing that is too "in your face".  

I'm sure that you will become totally involved in this story as I was. 

 As a member of, I was privileged to read this book as "An Advanced Readers Copy".   I would give this novel 5 STARS *****!

 If you would like to join me and read lots of different types of books just click on the link above, but if you want to read a great book than click the link to Amazon to order your own copy!

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Summertime and the Feet are Happy! ~ A Product Review

When summertime comes around I know that my feet are going to be happy.  Why?  Well let me explain!  Both my father and I suffer from hot feet!  Not just in summer time but all year long.  So the first thing that happens is the shoes or boots (especially in the winter) come off the minute we are in the front door.

But summertime is another story.  With the warm weather, my sandals must be open and toes must stick out!  

Now that is no problem in the summertime, but shoes are still an essential part of dressing for the day.  My days can be full of all kinds of activities.

Gardening, walking, swimming and more fill my days.  Now with sandals in the garden, quite often I find that my feet get quite dirty.  I love playing in the garden and I don't stop if a little dirt gets on my feet.  When I'm finished then I just get out the garden hose and give the feet a good rinse off.  

That would not be possible with a "nice" pair of leather sandals.  They would be ruined in no time at all!  But I have my CROCS!  Yes, I love my CROCS!  

Not only are they comfortable but because they are made of a really strong plastic, they are water proof and can take a really good rinse under the hose without losing their shape, color, and fit!  That would never happen with a pair of "good leather" sandals!

I love my CROCS so much I just had to get two pair!  This way I can use the light or the dark pair with whatever I happen to be wearing! But the great thing is you can get CROCS in almost any color!  With lots of different styles to choose from as well.  

These work for me in so many ways.  Even in my building, when I go for a swim, I wear a pair down to the pool, get into the pool, take them off while swimming and put them back before exiting the pool afterwards.  It doesn't matter if  I GET THEM WET or drip all over them.  I even take them into the shower.  Being a public (in the building) pool, you don't want to walk around in bare feet!  Who knows if there is a case of athlete's foot waiting on the tiles to grab your own foot.  The only thing that makes them a little obvious is sometimes when they are wet they can squeak!  

That doesn't bother me, but if it did a quick dry up with a towel and drying my feet solves that problem.  So there you go!

I must tell you that CROCS are a little more expensive than the knock-offs that are out there, but I have purchased the knock-offs before and they just don't last the way my CROCS do.  The soles are so much thicker and the treads are a lot better too!  The knock-offs are really dangerous once the tread is worn away!  In puddles, they can become very slick and be a fall hazard.  At my age, really at any age, you don't want to be doing that!

If you have never tried a pair of these sandals/shoes, I really would suggest that you do!  You just might like them as much as I do!  Plus they come in all kinds of styles and sizes for the whole family.  Baby CROCS are just so cute!

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Chartres Cathedral Seen in the Best Light!.....~ A Book Review

While travelling I love to learn all about what I have seen and what really impressed me!  To that end, I found out that there was a  difference between a Maze and a Labyrinth.  It was something that I had never thought of before.  That is until I saw the Labyrinth in the Chartres Cathedral in France. Google defines a maze as " a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle. The goal is to find your way out or to a central "prize".

So the difference for all of those like me who have never ever thought about it is, a Maze is a place where tall walls of greenery send you down a path with many different directions in which you can go.  They are made so that  you can get lost in them and take a lot of time to find your way out.  In North America Mazes are a fun aspect to the Halloween holidays.  Corn mazes spring up in the country side just waiting for people to try and find their way out!  It's a lot of fun for people of all ages.

A Labyrinth on the other hand, is also a path that twists and turns but has no sides to make you feel isolated and you can easily see where you should go next.  A labyrinth in the 1200's was a geometric pattern on the floor that was used mainly for meditation.   The idea is to walk the path slowly, meditating on whatever is pressing on your mind, walking the path until you reach the center. At that point you just may have found the solution to whatever it was that was on your mind.  

Today,  Mazes and Labyrinths mean pretty much the same thing.

This past spring My other half and I made a trip to Portugal, Spain and France.  We are particularly interested in old churches, the art, architecture, artistry and history of the churches.  

Chartres Cathedral was amazing but when you are on a tour, your time in that place is limited.  So what do you do?  You take lots of pictures, hoping to capture the beauty, the space, the art and statues, stained glass windows, doors and floors and so much more.  

After you come home you realize that your pictures just don't do justice to the beauty that filled you with awe!  So you go looking for something that will help you to remember the beauty.

The Hubby found a most beautiful book with pictures that really do make you re-live the time you were there.  When you consider that this church was built in 1260, it certainly has aged well and the history within it's walls is truly amazing.  

I love books that will tell me all about how it was built, Who commissioned it and how long it took to complete and all the history that happened since the time it was built.

This book is the finishing touch to a trip that had us both spellbound and wondering how on earth the workers could build something so beautiful, mathematically precise and long lasting without all the tools that modern day builders have today.  It truly is mind boggling.
When you travel and enjoy the sights, sometime a great book is the best gift you give yourself to remember the beauty that you had a chance to see up close and personal. Usually the pictures in these books are also clearer.  The day you visit might be rainy or windy making your pictures less than perfect.  With a well done book, everything that is pictured was taken at the right time and conditions.    Now you can revisit whenever you want and share the beauty with your friends too.  Chartres Cathedral is a place that you should put on your bucket list.  We continue to enjoy it even after the suitcases are put away.

The pictures shown in this review are taken from the book which we continue to enjoy.

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