As Mid-March arrives, if anyone asks what your favorite color is, the answer better be GREEN!
Why? Well everyone knows that on the 17th of March, the whole world seems to be Irish! St. Patrick's Day is the one day of the year where GREEN is the mandatory color in everyone's attire or their accessories!
It doesn't matter if its Kelly Green, pale Green, Bold Emerald Green or any combination, the most important part is that it belongs to the family of Green!
Now let's get down to a bit of history! St. Patrick became the Patron Saint of the Green Isle when he was sent to proclaim Christ to the people in the 5th century. Yes you read that right, he is a very old Patron Saint. He was born in Britain and at the age of 16 was taken from his village and placed into slavery in Ireland. Yes, the times he lived in were barbarous and slavery was not uncommon. He did manage to escape, but felt a calling to return to Ireland.
He was a very spiritual man, who during his travels around Ireland, baptized many people into the Catholic Christian Church. He was very careful to keep the peace with all the chieftains in the region so that he was welcomed by all. He gave gifts and took none in return. Many legends surround St. Patrick, the most popular is the Shamrock which helped Patrick explain the concept of the Holy Trinity.
St. Patrick is also credited with getting all the snakes, demons and practitioners of magic to leave Ireland. These "miracles" cannot be authenticated, but many still believe them.But let's get to the fun part, current day celebrations of St. Patrick's Day are attributed to the European immigrants in the 18th century. Boston celebrated the first St. Patrick's Day parade in 1737. The large Irish population enjoyed the celebrations so much that many new ways to celebrate the day came about. The color GREEN not only celebrates St. Patrick, but rather is a way to celebrate the country of Ireland.
Today we see everyone as Irish on March 17th and many people enjoy adding to the mirth and merriment of the day by adding something GREEN to their clothing. People will enjoy Irish foods and even color their beer for the day.
Now I've given you fair warning that this holiday is coming up shortly and to that end have furnished you with a page from where you can find anything your little heart could desire to make this St. Patty's Day fun for you and your family.
Just imagine a day without any strife and everyone wishing everyone else a Happy St. Patty's Day! A little fun goes a long way.
Here's an Irish Blessing Just for You!
May love and laughter
light your days
and warm your heart and home,
may good and faithful friends be yours
wherever you may roam,
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures,
May all life's
passing seasons
bring the best
to you and yours!