Friday, January 1, 2016

Krampus Movie Review

Krampus Movie Review
To be completely honest, I didn't really know what to expect when "Krampus" was the family choice Christmas movie this year.  From the trailers, it seemed scary and macabre to me.   It certainly didn't seem like the perfect family Christmas movie.  However, I survived the viewing and I am here to tell you, it was actually pretty awesome. 

There is an underlying lesson that we all need to hear and consider.  It just might change how we interact with the people we love and often seem to take for granted.  Have you ever criticized the food choice, the clothing choice, the decor choice, the table setting choice, anything about the family Christmas day celebration?  Or have you been the criticized host, hostess or attendee?  If so, you will totally get the message of the movie.  Of course, you may have just observed these bad actions.  If that is the case, you will have no trouble grasping the plot.  I suspect we can all identify in one way or another.   Perhaps, even cheer the Krampus.

You see, Krampus is a rather evil dude who comes in place of Santa to those who have been, shall we say, "naughty".  He even brings evil toys and minion elves with him.

[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The History of Krampus

Krampus is an old folklore figure that resembles the image of the devil we are all accustomed to seeing.  He has cloven hooves and goat horns.  He is a hairy "devil" with a long tongue.  

In the old tales, he is the antithesis of Santa and punishes children who have been bad.  In the movie, he is referred to as the "shadow of Santa". 

Making it Personal

I never like to ruin a movie for anyone by giving away too much of the plot, so in this case I am going to give a personal example.  Just this year, my mother spent a day before Christmas helping me wrap gifts.  I always enjoy the time with my Mom.  I can be just "me" with Mom, which makes these laborious activities much easier.  However, I am still always tired by the end of the day.  

As it was getting dark, Dad came in and offered to take us to look at the Christmas lights.  I confess, I was still in my pajamas.  I honestly can't remember if Mom and I stopped for lunch or if we just snacked all day when hunger pains hit.  At first, I grumbled to myself that I didn't want to go look at stupid Christmas lights.  Then I thought, but it would make a fantastic opportunity to take pictures.  So, I grabbed my house shoes and camera and jumped in the car.

When we got to the town square, I was literally overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of the entire square decorated with garland, ribbons and lights.  I wanted to take pictures from the car, but there were cars parked in the way, so I grumbled about the cars being in the way.  Dad drove around the square to give us a view of the lights from every angle and to find a good photo spot.  As he was cruising around, this woman slowly crossed the street in front of us, because she was looking at the lights as she walked and not the traffic.  I grumbled about how people really needed to pay attention to cars to avoid being run over.  After all, the driver of the car could be looking at lights too.  Than, a toddler came running toward the street.  (Remember the cars were parked in every parking spot and the child could only be seen due to movement catching our eyes.)  I grumbled that parents really needed to be watching their children. 

It was at this point, that I recognized myself that every word out of my mouth since we got in the car had be negative.  I started laughing and said, "grumble, grumble, grumble!  Bah, Humbug!  I guess I am going the spend the whole holiday grumbling!"  My parents laughed.  You see, they know me well and take my grumbling in stride.

I used this real life illustration because the grumbling and criticizing others is exactly the kind of attitude and action that would bring the Krampus to MY Chimney!

Just so you know, I never got that picture, but I did get a Filet O' Fish from McDonalds on the way home.  Wait!  That is not truly accurate.  I got 2 Filet O' Fish sandwiches.   I felt much better after getting out of the house for a bit, spending time with my parents, looking at the beautiful Christmas lights, and eating.   Go Back in Your Hole, Krampus! 

Krampus, the Movie 

The movie starts with an exaggerated version of something we have all experienced. Christmas shopping and how crazy people get over getting the "last", the "only", the "must haves".

The children's Christmas play is interrupted by a fight between children.   The mall Santa Clause is shown to be a pervert.  And then, the out of town family arrives, with surprises!  Seriously, don't people know you don't surprise the hostess at Christmas!!!

When Max's letter to Santa is read at the dinner table, Max is embarrassed, upset that his private thoughts had been shared with the entire family, and deeply distressed that others were hurt by those words.  He destroys the letter and throws it out the window.  It is immediately gathered into the sky.  What happens next will scare the Christmas socks right off your feet!

Keep Krampus Away!   Watch the Movie and Behave!

Krampus Movie Review by:

House of Sylvestermouse

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  1. What a great review, not to mention the personal story that goes with it! Brave you to talk about your seasonal grumpiness. :) You've really caught my interest. I'd never choose this movie on my own, but now I just might.

    1. I never would have chosen it on my own either Susan and frankly, I even questioned the choice when it was made, but I went along with the suggestion. Now, I am glad I did. It's makes for a very through provoking movie for sure.

  2. What a great review, not to mention the personal story that goes with it! Brave you to talk about your seasonal grumpiness. :) You've really caught my interest. I'd never choose this movie on my own, but now I just might.

  3. An interesting change from your typical Christmas movie -- all light and joy and happiness! Good to know there is a movie that depicts the version we all get caught up in at times - feeling grumpy, tired, overwhelmed and wishing we could just 'skip' Christmas! A grumpy story brings you up short and makes you realize you could slow down and take the time to appreciate the goodness of the season, the joy of being with family and friends, and perhaps the 'true' meaning of Christmas. Loved your personal story. Been there -- done that! :)

    1. lol, it was definitely a change Elf! I honestly do believe there are times, or years, when we all just get overwhelmed and tired, perhaps depressed, when the holidays just seem more like work instead of fun. The movie not only gave me a few moments to sit back and rest, but it also made me think.

  4. Loved that personal example. I didn't know how much alike we were. I have a tendency toward grumpiness I have to fight. It's worse right after I get up. I'm pretty sensitive about movie content, abnormally so, and I don't know if I'd be able to watch this one if there is anything scary in it. I might have nightmares for weeks.

    1. It does have some scary parts Barbara. The concern about nightmares is valid and one I had prior to seeing the movie. It didn't have that end effect on me, but I certainly understand. If you are likely to retain scary images, you won't like the show.

  5. Oh my, the preview had me at the edge of my seat, I'm such a sissy when it comes to anything scary. Yet, I was intrigued with your description of this movie. I guess it will go on my "must see" list.....Thanks for a great review!

    1. I do understand the hesitation. I honestly only went because the family was going and I was shocked by how much I really liked the movie.

  6. I love this review. I had planned on watching this eventually... because kids at work told me I should watch it. But I wasn't looking forward to it. Now I'm looking forward to seeing it. (Oh, and by the way... I'm a grumbler too! So I can totally relate to your looking at Christmas lights in your slippers!)

    1. roflol!!! So, you're saying we shouldn't bake Christmas cookies together or Krampus will be on our roof before the 3rd set is burned.

      I think you will enjoy the movie Dawn. You don't mind the scary images and you will like the overall message of the movie. Hopefully, you won't recognize as many family members in the show as I did though.

  7. Love the personal story you told! Who among us - even those of us who love the holidays - hasn't grumbled at some point about the holiday crowds, the cold, clashing family members, etc.? Sounds like a really thought-provoking take on how our attitudes shape our experiences.

  8. Have never heard of this movie! I'm intrigued, thanks for the review!


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