Showing posts with label About Us. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Us. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Meet Cheryl Paton on Review This Reviews

I am honored to be invited to add reviews on Review This Reviews. My passion is cats; I love cats. You will probably find reviews about my favorite cat items, some common and some not so common. Sometimes the best toys are not things made specifically for cats, i.e. paper bags. I will be writing about perhaps lesser known items that cat lovers will love.


I also have a variety of interests. I am an artist. I was a literacy tutor for 12 plus years. And I am a homeowner. I will be sharing about things that I have liked and have found helpful. Hopefully you can learn some things that are helpful to you as well.

As an artist, I love being creative. My main medium is acrylic paint, and I also dabble in watercolor. I have a variety of stores on Zazzle, including my main one, CherylsArt. I have been having a lot of fun designing scrapbook paper. You can find individual sheets at my ScrapbookBackgrounds store on Zazzle. Paperback books of my scrapbook paper designs can be found on my blog Cheryl Paton Scrapbook Paper. The paperback books are arranged by category there.

It's been awhile since I was a literacy tutor. However, I did write a variety of tips and strategies about what can be helpful, literacy wise. I also wrote a Phonics Guide book, with phonics tips arranged alphabetically. You can head on over to my Phonics blog here.

As a homeowner and shopper, I also started writing about product reviews, and you can find my earlier product review writings here.

On any of my blogs, you can find a list of my other blogs in the right hand column, including the one on cats.

If you visit any of my blogs and find an unhappy face where an image used to be, leave me a comment and I will get to updating it. Amazon had changed the way they allow affiliates to promote, and I am still updating them. Thank you for your understanding.

I'm around on various sites. The main ones are:

CherylsArt1 on Facebook
Art on Products on Blogspot
CherylsArt on Zazzle

Cheryl Paton

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The New Writer on the Site: Tracey Boyer


tracey boyer - writer and blogger

Welcome to my first post on Review This Reviews!  I am Tracey Boyer and I am very pleased to be here.  When I was approached to write for this site, I recognized most the names of the authors.  We have run in the same circles for years, and I have read their work.  Needless to say, I knew the site for it's quality and the writers for their experience and talent, so the decision to come aboard was not hard to make!

I have been writing off and on all my life, though the first time I ever made it a real job was on Squidoo.  It was the first time I actually made revenue from writing and opened my eyes to a whole new world.  In 2013 I started my blog, Homemade by Jade and branched out from there to many different kinds of writing.  I have written many places, but my favorites are:

Homemade by Jade - my website that has all different types on things on it like:

Homemade by Jade Blog that centers around homesteading and self sufficent living, including recipes, crafts, gardening tips, sewing and other fun stuff.  

Jade's Homemade Recipes - my blog just for recipes

Jade's Craft Shop - a shop that features only my own handmade items like handpainted wood signs,  plastic canvas items and handmade Christmas ornaments.

Patterns by Tracey - my shop of original plastic canvas patterns, designed by me, that are for sale.

Jadelynx Graphix - my website offering graphics services for blogs, Pinterest or other social media sites or articles, for business or personal use.  

WebNuggetz - a site which has many authors that write on everything from soup to nuts!  I have about a hundred pages there on different topics that include recipes, shops of all kinds and reviews on a variety of products.  Written under the name Jadelynx.

A Bit About Me

I am a retired lady with many interests, one of which is writing.  I also love to garden, cook, do crafts and play video games.  My book and movie tastes are mostly science fiction, and I love animals.  These are probably the things you will see me writing about and reviewing.  

I live out in the country with my husband, four ornery cats, five hens and a rooster.  We moved out here in 2016 to get away from the city noise and to be closer to nature.  It has been an eye opening experience for city folks, but we love it!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 21, 2020

About Raintree Annie On Review This Reviews

About Raintree Annie On Review This Reviews  

Raintree Annie Hi, my writing name is Raintree Annie and I am otherwise known as Jasmine Ann Marie. In life and online I get called any combination of those names! I am really happy to be a part of the Review This Reviews writing group. I started writing many years ago and always love it most when I am part of a creative and enthusiastic writing family. 

I like to write about what I know and experience. From a young age I developed an interest in nature and loved animals, birds and plants. I was given my own little patch of garden by my parents who encouraged me in these interests. 

My interests merge together really. My love of creating a beautiful garden that has wildlife at its heart, has become a passion and I find a great sense of calm, peace and happiness from learning about and nurturing our garden.

I am never happier than when I am immersed in nature and wildlife. I also like to have plants in the house to carry the natural world through into our home. 

I love taking photographs of natural environments, wildlife, flowers, plants and landscapes. I spend hours in the garden and whenever we can my husband and I go out to visit the countryside, beaches, woods and nature reserves so we can exercise and spend time together relaxing in nature. I enjoy making unique cards and gifts from those photographs. 

I gained a significant back issue over a decade ago and now take good care of my back and keep as fit and healthy as I can in order to continue to care for our garden and be out and about in nature. I always take my back into account when I am gardening and choosing products to assist me.


Articles By Raintree Annie

Joy of First Snowdrops
When I am not in our garden, the countryside or a nature reserve you can find me online at these places! 

Diary Of A Wild Country Garden, my blog where I write about my reflections of everyday life gardening and looking after wildlife in our wild country garden.

Life With My Pet Back blog covers reflections on life with back pain and the journey to recovery. 

Raintree Earth Designs is my blog where I share my love of photography with cards and gifts made from my photographs of wildlife and countryside with the stories behind them from my Raintree Earth Designs Zazzle Store. 

Essential Wildlife Gardening Gifts where I share practical, fun and beautiful gardening items which make lovely gifts for the gardener.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, March 27, 2020

About Sam Monaco

Sam Monaco - author, cook, and contributor
About Sam Monaco on Review This Reviews

First, let say how honored I am to be part of Review This Reviews Blog. I've followed most of the contributors here for a long time.

What I like about Social Media is that you meet people and follow their work and communicate with them on-line.

You never meet them in person and yet they become part of your family. That's the way I feel about the contributors on Review This Reviews.

My full name is Eugene Samuel Monaco, but everybody just calls me Sam. I only use my full name when signing important documents. I was named after my uncle who was called Sam also.

I'm a semi-retired Industrial Engineer working in the automotive and furniture industries. You just can't get any further apart from an industry standpoint. My work gives me the opportunity to interact with people every day on the manufacturing floor. This is the reason that I love my job so much.

I began my online writing about 9 years ago and this is where I meet so many wonderful and helpful people. The following are just some of the places you can find me online.

Sam's Places: This is my food blog where you will find old and new family recipes. I have a passion for preserving old family recipes the recipe's from my mother, grandmother, and aunts.  So many of these old recipes are written on little scraps of paper. I find it to be such fun to figure them out and reproduce them so they can be enjoyed for many generations.

Cherished Toy Finds: This is my toy blog where I write about what I call cherished toys. I watched my grandchildren play with some of the very same toys that I had and my kids had. So, I thought what a great idea it would be to write about some of these toys that have been around forever. You'll find many of these cherished toys in my blog. Along with some new ones that they teach grandpa about.

Reviewed By Sam: This one is my own review blog where you can find a variety of things; books, products, travel, and do-it-yourself project. I always own and use the products I write about in all of my blogs.

A Little More About Sam:

My interests are simple. I enjoy the work I do and the interaction with so many people. I take great pleasure in preserving those family recipes and creating some new ones along the way. My biggest joy is my four grandchildren. I cherish every minute I spend with each one of them.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, April 19, 2019

Meet Margaret Schindel, Review This Roving Contributor

Photo of Margaret Schindel, Review This Reviews ContributorI’m delighted to be joining the Review This! team, pinch-hitting for our regular weekly and bi-weekly contributors as needed.

My professional writing experience dates back to the 1980s and spans a wide range of topics and formats, from executive speeches to corporate video scripts, training materials, blog posts, white papers and articles. My career began in fashion retailing in New York City, where I started out as an assistant buyer and later took over the company’s executive training program. I have been involved with the Internet since the mid-1990s, when I worked for IBM on their first e-business and e-commerce initiatives not long after Jeff Bezos launched Amazon. Back then, nearly everyone who’d actually heard of the internet was sure it was a flash in the pan, a fad that would last a few years at most. It was the Wild West days of the web – exciting times! I’ve also worked at marketing and public relations agencies.

Designing and making one-of-a-kind jewelry is one of my passions. My favorite jewelry making materials include vintage beads, gemstone beads, Swarovski crystals, polymer clay and silver. I create many of my jewelry pieces using metal clay, a unique form of silver, gold, bronze, copper or steel that can be manipulated in ways that traditional milled metal cannot. I was not only a contributor but also the senior editor and technical editor of Metal Clay Artist magazine.

A lifelong “foodie,” I love cooking and baking (and eating!) and enjoy developing and adapting recipes. I love music and sang in clubs in my late teens and early 20s. My favorite author is the brilliant, witty and prolific British satirist Terry Pratchett, whose hilarious and thought-provoking Discworld fantasy novels have brought me countless hours of reading and listening pleasure in both print and audiobook formats. My husband and I are also big fans of Hayao Miyazaki’s beautiful movies.

Most of all, I enjoy sharing my special finds, from my favorite cookbooks to my favorite jewelry making tools – with others. I’m looking forward to sharing them with you here on Review This! You can also find my articles on HubPages and its sister sites, FeltMagnet and Delishably.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Savvy Age on Review This!


My name is Tracey aka The Savvy Age online. The Savvy Age is my online name/brand/moniker.
the savvy age

I am excited to accept the invitation by Review This! to become the newest contributor. I have always admired the variety of well written articles on the site and am honored to become a member of a talented team.

I enjoy writing about ... everything!  As reflective of life I write about a variety of diverse topics and particularly enjoy writing about food, crafts, DIY projects, pets and of course chocolate!

My writing career past and present includes: content writing, research, SEO articles, technical writing, newsletters, nonfiction writing and grant writing.

Where I Write?

  • I write and manage the The Savvy Age which is a lifestyle site with an emphasis on: recipes, food, crafts, pets, health, family life and an occasional tried and true DIY for your home and life.
  • I also write and manage LoveLaughGift a site to find unique gift ideas for every occasion! Handmade and homemade are always gifts and gift ideas I like to feature along with niche gift ideas.
  • The Low Oxalate Cookbook was recently published as an eBook and the paperback edition is in process.
  • Burdens As Blessings is an eBook on caregiving which is currently being updated for 2018.


As a frequent online buyer I rely heavily on consumer reviews for any product I am considering to purchase and I enjoy writing reviews as well. Real life information is so much more valuable than the description of a product. Does a product or service deliver as promised? An answer we all like to know prior to purchasing. I am thrilled with the opportunity to participate in Review This! and add my experiences.

Visit me at:

On Facebook

and I look forward to visiting you online! - Tracey

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Meet Lou16, Contributor on Review This!

Lou16, Louanne Cox, Review This! contributor
I was christened Louanne, but I've been writing online under the moniker of Lou16 for a number of years now.   I've met the other contributors with Review This! while writing for other sites and am excited to join the team here.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself...... I grew up in the south west of England and had a very happy childhood where I 'devoured' a book a day and yet still had plenty of time to play outside with all of my friends!   

I was a teen during the 80s which means I'm convinced that 80s music is the best!   In fact I think some may say I listen to too much 80s music as I've indoctrinated my teenage daughter.   Now she does complain when I'm playing one of  'mum's songs', but she knows all the words to a range of 80s songs so I feel like my work is complete!

When I was 19 I moved halfway around the world to New Zealand and a couple of years later I met a Kiwi who would become my hubby.   There were quite a few culture shocks in the move, but I did fall in love with the natural beauty that New Zealand has in bounds.   Ten years later, however I was about to emigrate again this time with my husband and not quite so far away.   

The Northern Territory of Australia was calling and so we started our Aussie adventure.   After 18 months we moved to Queensland, Australia and our daughter completed our family unit of 2 adults, 2 dogs and 1 baby.   We still live happily in Queensland and can't imagine moving, but never say never!

Despite living in Australia we still keep New Zealand in our hearts and I even have my very own Kiwiana Shop on Zazzle!

I discovered the internet and the potential to write online when my daughter was young and over a decade later I'm still loving the opportunities the internet has given us.

What will you see me writing about?   

So many things to review - Lou16 reviews
Louanne in thought c/o Lou's Designs
Now that is a hard question to answer as I have so many things I love to write about.  On my site I write about gift ideas, making money online, zombies and dolls.  I also have blogs on the 80s, cocktails, halloween and more.

I have a couple of sites on Christmas, my favorite being Christmas Tree Ideas and as I love Christmas I'm sure I'll be adding some Christmas articles on here.  I also enjoy fancy dress which is evident on my Everything Halloween site which has far more costume articles than anything else.

In the past I've written about Zazzle, photography, genealogy, my love of tea & chocolate and lots more.   In other words, you just never know what to expect!

I hope you enjoy my articles on Review This Reviews and that you find them helpful when you're trying to decide whether or not to get something.

My Top Articles on Review This

Just having a quick look at my top articles (at the time of writing) and you can see that they are all on totally different things!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Meet Susan Deppner, Review This! Contributor

Susan Deppner
The author with her dog, Daisy, and one of her favorite electronic gadgets, her Kindle reader, Pinkie.
Hi there!

As I write this (May 2015), I'm the new kid on the site, the most recent addition to the Review This! team. I'm thrilled to be rubbing virtual shoulders with the other terrific writers here, most of whom I've known for years online.

Who am I? I'm an over-60 baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. Color me sassy (from time to time) as well as red, white, and blue. I'm also a wife and mom whose family drives her crazy who's totally crazy about her family, including the four-legged members.

My interests? Wide and varied, which is a good thing for a writer. I love reading and writing about all sorts of subjects, so expect the occasional book review. I love to cook, so expect cookbook and kitchen gadget reviews and perhaps a recipe or two. I'm a wannabe geek, excited to jump on the bandwagon when a fun electronic gadget catches my eye and my fancy, and I love sharing that excitement (in plain English; no tech talk, I promise!) with friends and fans alike.

My online real estate has been under development for many years now and if you're interested in a tour, you'll find most of it at these web and social media sites:

I'm tickled pink to be writing here at Review This Reviews! and truly appreciate your visit. Please bookmark this site and come again, soon!

Best always,

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, April 13, 2015

Thrilled To Be The Folklore Contributor

Bev Owens photo
Hi, I'm Bev Owens and I am thrilled to be the Folklore Contributor here on Review This! I plan to share ideas from our modern society that have a connection to folklore from around the globe.

At a very early age, I loved to hear stories and the ones that held my attention the most were the ones that explained traditional beliefs of a culture or a custom that they had. I didn't understand at the time that I was developing a passion for folklore. I just knew that those were my most favorite types of stories to hear. Later, as I began to babysit for young ones and then had children of my own it was the legends and lore that I most liked to share with the children.

About 7 years ago, I decided to share the knowledge that I have accumulated over the decades about my own ancestry and created my first blog. Native American Totems is the space on this huge world web that I explain the teachings that my people have passed on to each other from generation to generation for thousands of years.

Besides my passion for folklore, I am sort of a "Jane of many trades" who has mastered a few of them. One of those would be gardening which has been a love of mine since I was 8 years old and my beloved Grandmother let me help put out her garden. At Indiana Garden I share my experiences with growing plants in my own region along with tools that I have found helpful over the decades of gardening in my home state. From time to time, you might find me reviewing something pertaining to gardening here on Review This.

I adore my five little grandchildren so you might find me reviewing items for children, occasionally. That is the beauty of this site, we are not restricted to just one area of expertise. I know that when I was a first time Grandma, I was a little baffled as to what products and toys were good to consider for children. It is why I sometimes review toys and gifts for children from infant to pre-teen.

My hobbies are varied with my favorite being crochet and counted cross-stitch. I am an avid reader and after retiring from my day job have become quite the bird enthusiast.

I look forward to getting to know you over the coming weeks and months!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I'm the 'Baseball Fan Contributor' on Review This!

A collage of baseball scenes
From the beginning of Spring Training to the last day of the World Series each year, my life is totally wrapped around baseball. I watch whatever game happens to be playing on TV each day, no matter what teams are involved. The first thing I check each morning is the scores and stats of the day before, and the times of the televised games coming up. As you may have guessed, I'm extremely passionate about Baseball. That's probably why Wednesday-Elf is the Baseball Fan Contributor on Review This. 

Grayson Stadium, Minor League Ballpark, Savannah, GA
Grayson Stadium, Minor League Ballpark, Savannah, GA
Besides my 'daily dose' of TV baseball, I have been to games in person in a couple of Major League stadiums, and these days frequently go to our minor league Single-A team games, the Sand Gnats, here in Savannah, Georgia. Many a great major league player has come out of minor league baseball and Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle and Jackie Robinson once played here at our humble Grayson Stadium, the oldest (1926) working minor league stadium in the United States today.
March brings Spring Training each year as teams and players prepare for Opening Day of Major League Baseball beginning most years in early April.  This Baseball Fan is also busy this time of year, getting ready to follow favorite teams throughout the season.  I also spend time featuring baseball stories about this, our favorite sport, on my baseball blog "Baseball Moments and Memories" and reading baseball stories from others.   

For instance, our own Mary Beth (mbgphoto here on Review This) gives us a fun review of hers (and my) favorite team, the St. Louis Cardinals, at Spring Training in Jupiter, Florida where she attends the Cardinals' Spring Training games each season.

Many events take place throughout baseball season, one of the earliest being 'Jackie Robinson Day' on April 15 – the day every ball player on every team wears the number 42 (Jackie's number) to honor him and his contribution to baseball. Greekgeek has written a wonderful tribute to this special player. 

These are just a few of the people and pages I will continue to feature during baseball season as the 'Baseball Fan Contributor.' I invite all baseball fans to join me for the upcoming season... and beyond.

Quick Link:

For a list of all the baseball-related stories currently featured on Review This! ~ click here.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 27, 2014

How I began Writing About the Mid-Atlantic States

As my sons entered high school, and empty nest quickly approached, I knew that I would soon have the opportunity to do more of the things I had always dreamt of doing.

One of those things was to move away from rural Indiana. I had always imagined myself living in a more urban setting and experiencing big city living. During that same time frame, I had friends scattered throughout the mid-Atlantic region and I traveled here quite a bit. The Mister was one of my friends at that time and one day we were driving down a scenic country road. The rolling farmland was covered in pristine snow and the sun was bright and warm.

I began to cry.

He was startled and asked what was wrong.

I choked out “nothing” and continued to cry.

After a moment, I was able to tell him that it was just so beautiful. The snow-covered hills, sparkling like crushed diamond waves, and the bright sunshine with not a cloud in the sky. It took my breath away. In some ways, it was vastly different than overcast Indiana winter days. It was that moment that I had decided that, in the areas I had vaguely considered, from Philadephia, PA to Washington, DC, that I was going to move somewhere slightly north of Baltimore. This Indiana girl that craved sunlight in the wintertime, had found her home.

 I suddenly knew that I was at home here.

I felt much the same way when I found this group of writing ladies. A whole new writing world suddenly opened up to me. A world that is bright, shiny, and full of promise. As soon as I got started, I immediately felt as though I were home.

This is why I am thrilled to share my stories about my travels in the mid-Atlantic Region. Maybe you are already familiar with the area. Maybe you've never heard of the area.  I’m so excited to find ways to show you the beauty of this region.

I am honored and thrilled to be here on Review This! with this group of amazing amazing and talented writers. They have invited me to be the Review This! writer on Mondays. I hope you will join me here every week.

Welcome! This is where I live. This is where my dreams are coming true. Please join me in exploring online writing and the mid-Atlantic states region.

Image Credit: Photographs ©Dawn Rae – All Rights Reserved (Click on photo for larger view)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, January 24, 2014

About Cynthia Sylvestermouse, Contributor on Review This Reviews!

My real name is Cynthia, but on the internet, I am known as Sylvestermouse.

One of the first questions most people ask me is why I chose the name Sylvestermouse as my online pseudonym.  Before I answer that question, let me point out the blue mouse in my photo.

That blue mouse, "Sylvestermouse", was my original avatar photo when I started working online over 20 years ago.  After a decade of using the blue mouse exclusively, there was a huge push to start using author photos so readers could see what the author actually looked like.  The belief being that readers connected with the author on a more personal level if they could see your face.

I certainly did not want to leave behind or replace my mouse and just start using a cameo photo.  After all, that little mouse had it's own following!  Fortunately, a really good friend of mine happened to be in the business of creating computer images by using photos.  Think computer games and avatar images.  To this day, Indigo Janson is an excellent 3D generalist and I feel quite honored that she took my original blue mouse avatar, a photo of myself and created a professional compilation.  So now you see me, Cynthia, holding Sylvestermouse when you see my author profile image.

So, Back to that Original Question:  Why "Sylvestermouse"?

For that answer, we must go back to my childhood.  I grew up in a large family where everything was shared:  bedrooms, bathrooms, clothes, toys, pets, etc.  My first "mine only" pet was a wild field mouse that my brother caught for me in a Dixie cup outside of an old grocery store.   I have absolutely no idea why I named that tiny little mouse "Sylvester", but that was the name I chose for him.

Sylvester resided in a cage right next to my bed.  He was my good morning greeter and he provided me with my nighttime lullaby, of sorts.  Long after the lights were out, we could hear Sylvester scurrying around in his bedding or drinking from his water bottle. 

One other reason I loved him:  He was a gift from my brother

Many years later, long after Sylvester moved to heaven, I found myself trying to choose an internet email address after we bought our first computer.  By this time, I was grown and had children of my own.  I had no idea what name to use for email.  One of my children suggested that I use a pet's name for fun.  After all, we never really expected it to be anything more than a way to exchange little messages.  Thus, I became Sylvestermouse after Sylvester the mouse.  Of course, that was obviously only the beginning.

You can now find Sylvestermouse stores on Ebay and Zazzle.   I have a photography site, a cooking and recipe site, a crafting site, a gardening site and I contribute to over a dozen other websites.  You can find a complete list of where I publish here.

Hobbies & Interests

As you can probably guess by the sites I own, my hobbies include sewing and a variety of crafts.   I also enjoy photography, mainly because I enjoy traveling and taking pictures of beautiful places, nature, and animals.

Since I have spent the last few decades of my life focusing on being a mother and making our house a home, those are the "niches" where I have the most experience.  Therefore, home related interests or one of my hobbies are most often the subjects of my articles.  Although, I very much enjoy reviewing movies, books and products that I have personally viewed, read, or used right here on Review This Reviews!

Articles Written by Cynthia Sylvestermouse

Most of my articles are on the two Pinterest boards below. Only approximately 50 articles are shown on each board, but you can click "Cynthia Sylvestermouse" on the Review This Reviews board or "Articles by Sylvestermouse" on my Sylvestermouse board to open either board on Pinterest. That will show you all of my articles on each board. The board on the left, are my articles on Review This Reviews! The board on the right, will feature articles from all of my sites, including Review This Reviews!


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I'm the Photo Bug Contributor on Review This Reviews

Mary Beth
Hello everyone and welcome to the Photo Bug section of Review This Reviews. My name is Mary Beth also known as mbgphoto on Hubpages and Zazzle and I am very excited to be the Photo Bug contributor for Review This.

In my position as the Photo Bug contributor I will be searching out interesting pages on photography and featuring them on Review This.

I started writing online back in the fall of 2008 as a way to promote some of the items with my photographs. At first I was very unsure about writing, but I have learned so much along the way. There are so many great people online if you need help you only need to ask.

Although I have always been interested in photography, I was really able to pursue it as first a hobby and then a small business, when I retired from the corporate world in 2007. Since that time I have taken numerous classes to enhance my skills and have enjoyed traveling around the country photographing lighthouses.
lighthouse in Big Bay Point Michigan
The photo above is of the lighthouse in Big Bay Point Michigan. I love this photo because it was a real challenge to find the right lighting and the right point of view to capture both the lighthouse and Lake Superior in the photo. It was a photo I really put to use many of the skills I learned in my classes and workshops. You can learn more about the lighthouses I photograph on my blog Lighthouse Musings.

The great thing about photography is that it is a hobby everyone can participate in with very little training and yet if you want to grow in the field there are a never ending amount of things to learn. I am always looking forward to the next challenge. In this blog I am hoping to share with you tips on photography that I have learned and hope you will share items that worked for you. Together we can enjoy this fascinating hobby.

You can also find me on Hubpages

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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